Sunday, April 4, 2021


           Every time there is a story on the news about vaccinations, or a public service ad, we are shown a needle going into somebody’s arm.  You never used to see this on TV, but now there seems to be a fetishistic fascination with the image.  Are we being taught to be thrilled by the sight?




          On March 9, the Chinese government petitioned the WHO (and, by extension, the UN) to grant China permission to run a global vaccine passport system.  China already has its own domestic vaccine passport system, and has a great deal of experience in the area because of its “social credit system,” which judges the behavior of Chinese citizens and gives them each a numerical score based on how much the government approves of the individual’s behavior.  Examples: picking up litter in a park increases your score; criticizing the Communist Party decreases it.


          A low social credit score results in sanctions.  There are now millions of Chinese, for example, who are not permitted to travel on trains or airplanes or public transportation because they are not considered good citizens.




            I think you should have to prove you don’t have HIV in order to sit down in a restaurant, get on an airplane, or go to a baseball game.



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