Monday, April 5, 2021



          I asked a 20-something colleague at work whether she would get the shot when it was her turn.  “No,” she said.


          “I have three relatives, older ones, who got the vaccine, and they all got sick.  My one aunt got the needle and she passed out and she’s not coming back.  She’s 54.  They just put her in hospice.”


          One hears these stories.


          What one never hears is an honest discussion of dangers associated with the COVID-19 vaccines.  You don’t see it in the newspapers either.  The party line is that any adverse reactions to vaccinations are mild and very rare, and the possibility of death is NEVER mentioned in these media reports.  In fact, according to CDC data (which probably represents only a small fraction of the cases), two thousand Americans have died and 14,000 have been hospitalized after getting the vaccine.


          There is real danger, and though it is possible the benefits of the vaccination program outweigh the injuries and deaths from the vaccines, we are not allowed to evaluate the information for ourselves.  We are not supposed to make any risk/benefit determination on our own.  That is for our betters to decide.  You know---Fauci, Biden, Cuomo, Dr. Oz---all the really smart people who have our best interests at heart.


          Every state and many cities have a priority list for vaccination eligibility.  Here, for example, is Philadelphia’s:


Philadelphia Phase 1a

  • Paid healthcare workers
  • Residents and staff at long-term care facilities, like nursing homes

Philadelphia Phase 1b

  • People who live and work in congregate living settings, like prisons, shelters for the homeless, drug and alcohol treatment, psychiatric facilities, rehabilitation, and specialized services housing
  • First responders, like law enforcement officers, paramedics, EMT’s and firefighters
  • Service providers working with high-risk populations and attend persons in their home or a congregate living facility
  • Staff at senior centers or day programs for seniors and those with intellectual disabilities
  • People who are over the age of 65
  • People who have certain high-risk medical conditions like:
    • Cancer
    • Chronic kidney disease
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    • Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies
    • Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant, HIV, use of oral corticosteroids, or use of other immune weakening medications
    • Obesity and severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] ≥30 kg/m2)
    • Sickle cell disease
    • Smoking
    • Types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus
    • Down Syndrome
    • Pregnancy
    • People with intellectual disabilities
  • People who work in public transit
  • People who work in food distribution, prep, and service
  • Teachers, school staff, and licensed childcare staff
  • People who are customer-facing and work in high-volume essential retail like pharmacies, hardware stores, big box stores, gas stations, automotive repair shops, and similar retail.
  • People who work in manufacturing
  • Clergy

Philadelphia Phase 1c

Beginning April 5:

  • Sanitation workers
  • Maintenance and janitorial staff
  • Utility workers
  • Postal and package delivery workers

Beginning soon:

  • Higher education staff
  • Finance: public facing, non-remote positions in the finance industry
  • Transportation workers such as airport and train workers and taxi or rideshare drivers
  • Construction workers
  • IT & telecommunications workers
  • Members of the press
  • Legal industry
  • Public health workers

Phase 2

Everyone who doesn’t fit into one of the categories above is not currently eligible to receive vaccine. The full list of those not currently eligible can be found in the Health Department’s COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Eligibility Recommendations. The Health Department has announced that the City will move to Phase 2 no later than May 1, 2021.


            There is one important category of people you won’t find on this list.  I haven’t seen them mentioned on any of the dozens of such lists from around the country.  This is the category of “people who have already had COVID-19.”   Why not?  Certainly they are worthy of special consideration, aren’t they?  Don’t they belong in a category of their own?  But they’re not.  If you are a “retail worker” who caught the virus, you are no different from a “retail worker” who didn’t, at least in the eyes of the authorities.


          Why not?  What is the purpose in vaccinating people who have already had COVID and are thus immune?  The existence of such acquired immunity is the very first thing mankind learned about disease.  If Caveman Og got the plague and somehow survived, he was not going to get that particular plague again.  He was safe for the rest of his life.  Humans have known this for tens of thousands of years.


          When you dig down, past the priority list to the FAQs or the Further Guidelines, here’s what you find:


          Q:  Should I get the vaccine if I have already tested positive for COVID?

          A:  If you have had COVID-19 infection within the last 90 days, you do not need to receive the vaccine now.  This is because it is uncommon to get COVID-19 again within this time period.  However, after 90 days, vaccination is recommended.


          Q:  Are people who have recovered from COVID-19 immune from it?

          A:  The Centers for Disease Control and Protection and its partners are investigating to determine if you can get sick with COVID-19 more than once.  At this time, we are not sure if you can be re-infected.  Until we know more, continue to take steps to protect yourself and others.


(Source: City of Philadelphia, Department of Public Health, Vaccine FAQs)


          So let’s puzzle our way through this.  Since the beginnings of humanity, we have understood that you don’t get the same disease twice.  (We now know the reason: that memory B-cells and T-cells remain in you, ready to mount an immune reaction if necessary.)  The CDC, however, doubts this is true for COVID.  Or at least they consider re-infection a possibility worth worrying about.  Why?  And what has to happen to convince them one way or the other?


          Over the past 16 months, there have been more than 131,000,000 cases of COVID throughout the world.  It would take ONE case of reinfection for the CDC to conclude re-infection was possible, but of course, there wouldn’t be just one case.  There would be several million re-infections.  And there haven’t been.  So what the hell are they “investigating?”  The official position that the CDC is still “investigating” this question is absurd.  After 131 million cases, and the intense focus of research efforts and money on this virus, there can no longer be a question about this.  The CDC (and everybody else who has examined the question), knows that once you get the ‘rona, you are immune.  The CDC is lying.  There is no other explanation.


          The lies continue because the CDC, and other public health authorities, are stuck with prior lies they have told, and can only prop up those falsehoods by telling more lies.  And so these lies continue to be told, until the views of the public health authorities can no longer be taken seriously.


          The result here, telling immune people to get the vaccine, is particularly troubling, since we know two things:

          1) If you had the ‘rona, you are immune, and

          2) There is a small (but real, and potentially serious), danger from COVID vaccines.


          From these two facts, one must conclude that people who have had the virus and recovered from it should not get vaccinated.  It is irresponsible to subject people in no danger from COVID to the peril of the shot, no matter how small that peril may be.  It will kill a certain number of immune individuals who shouldn’t have gotten the vaccine but who took it anyway because the CDC said they should.


          The prior lie, the one that feeds this vaccinate-the-immune program, is the lie of PCR tests, and the invented “cases.”


          We will never know the total number of phony COVID cases, but there aren’t that many pandemics where almost half the victims remain in perfect health throughout their “infection.”  Once the government decided to use PCR tests to diagnose COVID (a function they were not designed for), it became inevitable that there would be millions of people out there who never had the virus, never developed antibodies, never produced memory B-cells and T-cells, but now believe they caught the virus and recovered from it. ***


          If the authorities told previously-infected people not to get vaccinated, none of these PCR false-positives would get the shot.  But they should, of course, since they were never actually infected.  This is why the CDC recommends that even people who caught the virus should get vaccinated---because they know there are millions of false positive “cases” in the world who believe they were infected but never were.  The CDC wants these vulnerable people to get vaccinated but cannot admit to them that their positive PCR tests were false.  The cost of this deception is that many who truly are immune will also get vaccinated and some of them will die or be seriously injured, for no reason at all other than to protect the CDC’s rapidly-disappearing credibility.


***These “asymptomatic” cases, for the most part, cannot be detected by rapid antigen tests.  This is viewed by the bureaucrats, naturally, as a problem with the rapid antigen tests.



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