Saturday, May 23, 2020

CORONA---The Conspiracies

1.  Bill Gates developed the virus because he wants to vaccinate the world’s population in order to implant microchips in everyone.

2.  The coronavirus would not normally be very dangerous to humans, but the continuing development of genetically-modified organisms weakens us and allows the virus to proliferate.  The problem is not really the virus itself; it’s the GMOs.

3.  There is no virus.  The sickness is coming from 5G radiofrequency communications now being deployed around the world.  Alternate version: there really is a virus but 5G destroys our immune systems and makes us vulnerable to it.

4.  George Soros developed the virus in order to crash the world economy and have Trump defeated in the November elections.

5.  The Trump Administration has had a vaccine for a year and all the Trump insiders have been vaccinated already.  The vaccine will be released to the world shortly before the election and will sweep Trump and the Republicans into office.

6.  The virus escaped from a UFO.

7.  “They” have unleashed the virus in order to eliminate paper money by scaring people about the germs it might have on it.

8.  The biggest roadblock for the imposition of socialized medicine around the world is the cost of caring for sick, elderly people.  COVID-19 is a pathogen that has been altered so it almost never attacks the young, only the old.  Once the elderly are culled, universal government-run healthcare will be instituted in every country.

9.  Elon Musk and other billionaires have dreamed of colonizing Mars for themselves and their descendants.  This is necessary because climate change will soon make the Earth uninhabitable.  The problem is that climate change is progressing too fast, so Musk and the other billionaires have decided to kill off two billion humans in order to slow the environmental damage to the Earth.  This will give them the time they need to complete their exodus.

10.  COVID-19 is a ruse designed to encourage widespread DNA testing of human beings so that anyone with alien genes can be identified. These hybrid humans will be eradicated because the Federation of Planets will not allow genetically-modified organisms to leave their home planet.  The Federation’s concern is that humankind is on the verge of space travel.

11. The virus was designed and released by the Chinese in order to tarnish Trump’s image and get their old buddy Joe Biden elected President in November.

12. The pandemic is a culling of humanity by the elites because the planet will be easier to rule with fewer people on it, especially if the remaining people are more docile and obedient.  Thus, the targets are primarily those in the freedom-loving working class.  This is why government workers and the highly-educated are allowed to keep their jobs and be relatively unaffected by the widespread economic destruction.

13. Aliens planted the virus on Earth as a doomsday device many millennia ago in order to eradicate mankind if it became necessary.  The aliens are alarmed by our progress in space exploration, so they are shutting down our species.


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