Monday, August 9, 2021



“When the history books are written about the use of non-pharmacologic measures during this pandemic, we will look as pre-historic and barbaric and tribal as our ancestors during the plagues of the middle ages.”   ---Vinay Prasad


“People should not be walking around with masks.  There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”  ---Anthony Fauci on 60 Minutes, March 8, 2020


           As I review the COVID rants I publish on this blog, I sometimes try to imagine what someone ten years from now will think, reading this tale of mass psychosis that occurred in 2020, 2021, and beyond.  In particular, I wonder what some future reader will make of this or that government action or command.  Why did people think that way in 2021?  Why did the government do that?  Or say that?


          For example, I began the article “Line Up For Your Booster!” this way:

           On July 27, 2021, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announced a new policy.  The agency now recommends that people vaccinated against COVID wear masks when indoors.  Over two-thirds of the American people have had at least one shot, but the vaccinated are apparently in danger.


            In 2031, will this news item make any sense at all?  Or will readers ask, “OK.  The vaccines didn’t work very well.  Got it.  But why would the authorities want anyone to wear masks?  Did they really think mask-wearing would stop people from transmitting viruses?”


          And here’s the answer for you 2031 readers.  Most government officials did not really believe masks would protect anyone from catching COVID (though some probably did believe that).  But early on, in April of 2020, government mask mandates were used to frighten and dehumanize the populace, and set the reshaping of society in motion.  There never was any scientific basis or public health rationale for the mask-wearing, and in fact, public health authorities all over the world told people NOT to wear masks because they presented health and respiratory dangers of their own.  These scientists even cited (correctly), peer-reviewed studies in medical journals demonstrating the ineffectiveness or hazard of mask-wearing.  Then, suddenly, in April 2020, they changed their tune.  There were no new studies, there was no new science---but governments everywhere started issuing rules and regulations ordering the populace to wear the things.


          One would expect that such an abrupt change could only take place following an argument in the community of scientists about the wearing of masks, but no such argument ever took place.  Instead, the rules were issued, the public health authorities fell into line, and opposing voices were silenced.  Once the program was implemented, those who offered any objection or criticism of the new rules were de-funded, banned from TV and radio, and had their postings on the internet erased.


          In America, this happened on one day.  On April 3, 2020, the CDC, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Surgeon General Jerome Adams all announced that not only were masks beneficial in slowing the transmission of respiratory viruses, but they should be mandatory across the country.  Up until the previous day, they had all held the opposite position, as had the World Health Organization.  The WHO actually maintained its anti-mask advice until June 2020, when it too finally fell into line.


          Now, with mandates in place for the last sixteen months, there have been dozens of studies on the results.  These are mostly not peer-reviewed or published in reputable journals, and one can find a wide variety of them, but you cannot review this literature (as I have), and conclude that this extraordinary public health experiment has been a success.  There was never any reason to think that mask-wearing would prevent the transmission of respiratory viruses, and there still isn’t.


          Still, the official position of governments around the world, and the public health bureaucracy, is that masks “work.”  No discussion is permitted on this false proposition.  And that is why, when the Director of the CDC announces that the COVID vaccines are not very effective, she urges vaccinated people to wear masks so they don’t get sick.  For her to offer some explanation of the mask recommendation would suggest there might be some possible doubt about the effectiveness of masking, and the CDC cannot allow that sort of thinking.  Masks stop the transmission of viral diseases, and that’s that, as far as the authorities are concerned. 


          Lockdowns, meaning the closing of schools and government services and small businesses (but not large ones), were another measure with no precedents, lots of reasons to think they would do a great deal of harm, and no support in scientific literature.  And again, no discussion occurred on the question of whether they would prevent infections, save lives, or do any good at all.  They had never been tried in previous pandemics, and therefore there was no way of justifying them.  The only experience of lockdowns had been in Wuhan Province, China, at the outbreak of COVID-19 in January 2020, and there was no evidence from Wuhan that the lockdowns had been anything but a nightmare.


          The other worldwide public health experiment has been “social distancing,” another safety measure with no precedents and no scientific justification.  Of course it is true that if you are two miles away from some infected person, they will not be able to make you sick, so there is some measure of truth behind the idea.  The distances used in the “social distancing” guidelines are completely arbitrary, however, and vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  Three feet, six feet, one meter, two meters---take your pick.  And now, from studies done over the last eighteen months, it seems likely that the minimum effective distance for “social distancing” would be more like twenty feet, but since this would render any commerce or social interaction virtually impossible, these findings are never discussed.


          So my message to time travelers and historians revisiting this period and trying to understand what happened is this: we are not as pre-historic and barbaric and tribal as our actions might indicate.  Many of us, including many who are enforcing the restrictions imposed on us, 1) know that masks are ineffective in stopping the transmission of respiratory viruses, 2) know that lockdowns have no scientific justification as a disease-mitigation strategy, and 3) know that keeping people six feet apart when there’s a respiratory virus floating around is pointless.  But all of these societal interventions and rules have been imposed upon us from above, and any attempt to discuss the wisdom behind them is punished by the authorities.


          Masks work.  Lockdowns save lives.  Social distancing prevents infection.  All these assumptions are now treated as facts.  No dissent or debate is permitted.



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