Sunday, December 27, 2020

CORONA---What We Can Look Forward To

           On the question of whether our darkest COVID days are in the past or the future, I am reluctantly coming to the conclusion the worst is still ahead.


          We are already being told that we will have to wear masks even after getting the vaccine, and that getting a negative corona test is no guarantee we cannot infect others.  It may seem strange that we will be told there is no real immunity even after everybody gets vaccinated, but keep in mind we have known since the beginning that about 85% of the population is immune to the virus, but any evidence of immunity has been vigorously denied (and censored), by the public health authorities.


          The people who have pushed the lockdowns, school shutdowns, economic destruction, masking, and other dehumanizing rituals have been so successful politically that they are not likely to abandon their tactics now.  We will forever be told of the danger that the virus will mutate into something from which we have no protection, or that our antibodies will fade, or that asymptomatic carriers will still wander among us, spreading death.  The EEOC issued a ruling a couple days ago that employers may legally insist that workers get vaccinated or lose their jobs.  Discussions about virus passports (to allow air travel), are regularly discussed in the newspapers and on the internet.  There is no reason to think this will end.  In Europe and the northern parts of North America, the pandemic ended six months ago, but the restrictions just keep getting worse.  Also, PCR tests will continue to find positive corona cases long after SARS-CoV-2 has been eradicated from the planet.


          One continues to hope that the hygiene fascists will go too far, but they have already gone way too far and nobody has figured out a way to stop them.  Central to the success of the campaign has been the blanket of censorship and disinformation imposed by broadcasters and print journalists and social media companies.  A person like Fauci, for example, though he is on TV 24/7, is NEVER asked a challenging question and will NEVER appear in public with anyone who disagrees with him.


          Though there is political pushback, and though there are protests, little news of these events seep through the curtain.  When they do, no matter how calm and rational the complaints may be, the people responsible are lumped together with the half-dozen right-wingers who live in an Idaho farmhouse and believe COVID is a communist plot.



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