Saturday, November 21, 2020

CORONA---The Thanksgiving

            At my big-box store, we get pinged on our phones when somebody we work with gets the Rona.  Then the protocol is that we have to get our temperatures taken when we come in to work, for two weeks.  Since April, we have had one or two cases a month, so we have gotten used to presenting the forehead when we enter the office to begin the workday.


          In the twenty-one days of November so far, we have gotten these texts seven times, so I finally asked the HR lady about them.  Are they dead?  Are they on ventilators?  Are they sick?  No, no, and no were her answers.  Not even a sniffle among the seven of them.


          I’ve been reading that COVID testing sites have been overwhelmed lately with people who want a test before they visit Granny on Thanksgiving.  This is probably the explanation for the recent surge in positive tests (which some people call “cases”).  It will probably subside a bit after Thanksgiving and then explode again in mid-December as young people leave school and head home for Christmas.


          I’m guessing this is what is happening with my fellow employees as well.  Many of them are young and work part-time while in school, and I’m sure many of them have grannies.


          The seven positives I work with will have to avoid Grandma next Thursday, and that’s too bad, but we can all still be thankful this is the first pandemic in history where most of the victims remain in perfect health.




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