Sunday, July 19, 2020


          During the 2016 and 2020 elections, there have been hundreds of national polls taken on Trump vs. everybody---Abrams, Bennet, Bloomberg, Booker, Bullock, Buttigieg, Castro, Clinton, Cuomo, De Blasio, Delaney, Gabbard, Gillibrand, Harris, Hickenlooper, Inslee, Klobuchar, Messen, O’Rourke, Patrick, Ryan, Sanders, Sestak, Steyer, Warren, Williamson, Young.  And that’s just the Democrats.

          Trump didn’t always win these polls, of course.  He is losing national polls to Biden now, but he has beaten Biden as well.  Hillary certainly won a lot of national polls against him, though Trump had some wins against her too.

          But there is one character Trump has never been able to beat.  Donald is probably 0 - 22, or something.  Just in this cycle, there was an October 3, 2019 poll by the PPP organization which had Trump losing 52 – 41.  Then there were three major polls in March, 2020.  First, on March 3, NBC/WSJ had Trump losing 48 – 41.  Two days later, Hill/Harris reported a 46 – 39 margin.  Then on March 7, the POLITICO Morning Consult had Trump losing 44 – 36 to this seemingly invincible foe.

          OK.  Enough.  Who is it that Trump has never beaten?  It’s the “Generic Democrat.”  Pollsters run these polls when everybody knows who one of the candidates is but the other candidate is undecided.  In early 2012, for example, before Romney won the nomination, there were polls of Barack Obama vs. “Generic Republican.”

          The reason Trump loses these contests is not hard to figure out.  A lot of people don’t like him, though that is not as big a problem as it may seem at first glance.  Many people who didn’t like him actually voted for him in 2016 because they viewed the alternative, Hillary, as being even more loathsome than he is.  It is a lot easier to run against a real opponent than against a fantasy because a real opponent is going to have flaws.  There are lots of actual Democrats Trump can beat.

          A “Generic Democrat,” however, is pretty much whoever the voter wants it to be.  Combine the sweeping vision of FDR with the aristocratic polish and loveable family of JFK, the piety of Jimmy Carter, the feel-your-pain empathy of Bill Clinton….  Well, now you’re talking.  Leave Hillary out of the picture entirely.  LBJ as well.  A “Generic Democrat” is a pretty attractive candidate.  Every Democrat would vote for him.  I might vote for him myself.

          And that’s who the Democrats, through a bizarre concatenation of circumstances, are nominating to run against Trump.  Somehow, they have managed to create a “Generic Democrat” and get him on the ballot.

          The one thing we all know about Joe Biden is that, should he be elected, he will NOT be president.  He’s just not capable of it.  He may be able to have an important-looking state dinner with Angela Merkel and he might ceremonially sign his name to an executive order somebody else writes, or place a Medal of Honor around a soldier’s neck, but he will never be permitted to formulate a foreign policy or craft legislation or send troops into combat or make a deal with Putin.  And everybody knows it.

          Every nation has a “head of state” and a “head of government.”  In the UK, for example, the Queen is the head of state and the PM is the head of government, and this division of the ceremonial and the political is common around the world.  In the United States, however, the two are combined in a single person called the President.  At least, that is the way it has been up until now.  If Biden is elected, that will change.  He will be the head of state and some as-yet-unnamed person or committee will govern.

          The genius of the Democratic strategy here is we are not being told who will be the actual president, the political leader.  It may be the vice president, whoever that turns out to be, though that seems increasingly unlikely.  Since Joe remains tucked away in his Bat Cave, we know very little of his campaign and who is running the show. What we see is his wife, and a group of anonymous campaign staffers, and a steady stream of politicians from every corner of the leftish spectrum.  He’s been endorsed by Jimmy Buffett, Angela Davis, Jesse Jackson, Billy Jean King, Megan Rapinoe, Mark Cuban and dozens of others.  Then there’s the “Biden-Sanders Task Force” that is meeting to draft the party platform.  Bernie loves Joe now.  Everybody loves Joe, now that we know he will never be the real president.

          The American public is thus being permitted to believe whatever it wishes about who the next president will be.  Some combination of Pelosi and Schumer and Hillary?  Maybe.  A committee of Bernie and Jill Biden and their love child?  Well, that’s possible too.  Stacie Abrams?  Why not?  The only thing we do know is that if Biden is elected, the next president WILL NOT be Trump, and for most Democrats, that’s all they need in order to vote for Joe.

          It’s a brilliant strategy in its way, and very much a “when-life-gives-you-lemons” solution to array of political problems that would normally doom a campaign:
1)  An epidemic that prevents much traditional campaigning,
2)  A candidate about whom no one has ever been very enthusiastic,
3)  A candidate who will not be able to govern if elected,
4)  A candidate with little in the way of a discernable political philosophy.

          Running “Generic Democrat” for president has never been tried before, but we’ve never been in this situation before.  And it might work.


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