Monday, November 4, 2024


          I have gone both ways in my view of how this presidential election will play out, but now, with hours left until the polls open on November 5, I’m predicting Donald Trump will be inaugurated on January 20, 2025.  He’s going to win.


         The question for me has always been whether the Republicans would be able to overcome the margin of cheating. That Trump would get more real votes from people who were entitled to vote, at least in the seven critical swing states, was never an issue.  But since Democrats cheat in every election, without remorse, the two practical questions in a contest like this are: 1) will the margin be so large that the Democrats cannot alter the result in Harris’s favor? and 2) will the Republicans do enough to prevent the Democrats from stealing enough votes to win?


         As I have written over the past months, I am unimpressed with Republican efforts to fight the cheating.  Yes, they are spending money and time and effort.  And yes, they have hired a ton of lawyers.  Unfortunately, what they have done is reactive, and it has been reactive to the tricks the Democrats were playing in 2020.  The Republicans have largely failed to anticipate the problems they will face in this election.  Much like the Pentagon, the Republicans seem focused on winning the previous war, not this one.  They have brought a great deal of money and energy to this fight, but that’s not enough to win.  You need to be smart.


         But this time, the Republican failure to fight the cheaters may not be fatal.  This time, Kamala Harris is so weak a candidate that the Democrats will not be able to cheat enough to win.


         What tipped me here was a comment from a co-worker at my big-box store.  I had asked him who he thought would win, and he told me he had heard there were “a lot of people” who voted for Trump in 2020 but who were switching to Kamala now.  “Give me a name,” I said.  “Do you know anybody like that personally?”  Well, no, he told me, but he had two uncles who were deeply involved in local politics and they said there were a lot of such people.


         Whenever I hear this sort of thing, I ask myself if I know any actual person in that category.  Have I met them?  Do I know their name?  And if the answer is “no,” I realize I have learned something.


         In 2008, there must have been twenty people who told me Obama could not be elected because of all the people who wouldn’t vote for him because he is black.  I didn’t know any such people, of course.  I still don’t.  There were none.   Plenty of people didn’t vote for him because he was a Democrat or a commie or a secret Muslim or they didn’t want universal health care or they hated his wife, but the idea there were people who would vote for Mondale and Bill Clinton and Gore and Kerry but drew the line at a (shudder…) BLACK MAN made me realize there are embedded fantasies that warp people’s ability to examine reality and think clearly.


         The “they-voted-for-Trump-but-now-they’re-for-Kamala” meme is just such a fantasy, and the realization of how silly it was served the function of a cold slap in the face.  It returned me to reality-land.  A simple lesson, really---tear away all the goofy stuff and what is left is the truth.


         All of which brought me back to the point I made in my article on September 14.  In the last two elections, 137 million people voted to make Trump president and nobody voted for Harris.  


When I wrote that, there were six weeks left in the campaign and anything might have happened.  She might have made the country fall in love with her.  She might have given great speeches or connected with the electorate.  She did none of those things.  I understand this was the plan---to fight a substance-free campaign---but it doesn’t seem to have worked.  Trump was a substantial (about 8-5) favorite in the international wagering pools, and he remains in that position on the eve of the election.


Up until now, I have predicted Harris would win.  In fact, the only money I have on the election is on her.  But I’m switching horses.


Of course, though I pride myself on my rationality, maybe this is just my emotions having their way with me at the last minute.  Perhaps I’m just so frightened of yet another Obama/Biden/Harris administration that I don’t want to face the possibility that all the horrors I have seen the Democrats do recently will continue, or even get worse.  To wit:


Putting elderly Catholics in prison for praying at abortion clinics,


Allowing important politicians to enrich themselves through secret knowledge and insider trading opportunities they obtain in their official capacities,


Providing money to terrorists who murdered entire families in their homes, killed young people at a music festival and raped Jewish women to death,


Quietly conspiring with criminal cartels in the abduction and trafficking of 300,000 children into working or sexual slavery,


Closing churches for two years,


Funding rogue government scientists in the creation of a deadly virus in a Chinese lab,


Silencing those who dissent from positions taken by the government on COVID or the climate or the number of sexes by removing those people from public forums, getting their professional credentials lifted and destroying their careers,


Holding hundreds in solitary confinement, without bail, for vandalism at the US Capitol,


Forcing a deadly and untested “vaccine” (which didn’t prevent anyone from catching the disease), on millions of people, killing untold numbers of them through dozens of side effects, many of which have never been seen before,


Permitting and encouraging the lucrative business of chemical and surgical mutilation of children’s sexual organs and sexual development,


Encouraging men to compete in sports limited to girls and women,


Recruiting millions of mostly military-aged young men (many with criminal records) into the country, commandeering hotel rooms for them and supporting them with cash payments,


Stifling energy markets and forcing me to pay an extra $20 whenever I fill up my car,


         Using the DOJ to investigate parents who objected to their 5-year-olds being taught about anal sex and labeling those parents “domestic terrorists.”


         Employing the criminal justice powers of the government to prosecute and attempt to impoverish Donald Trump, the primary political figure opposed to them,


         Jailing, disbarring, and impoverishing attorneys (and others) working for Trump because they had questioned the results of the 2020 election,


         Killing large marine mammals (and birds), by planting thousands of windmills just offshore on the continental shelf,


         Printing billions of dollars not authorized by Congress to spend on their political priorities,


         Carelessly allowing American soldiers to be killed by the Taliban and allowing thousands of American citizens and allies to be trapped in Afghanistan after America’s abrupt exit.


I could go on.



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