On February 8, the report of Robert Hur was released to the public. Hur is a former DOJ official who was charged with determining what should be done with the case against Joe Biden for mishandling classified documents when Biden was a Senator and the Vice President. Hur seemed to acknowledge, somewhat vaguely, that Biden had broken the law, but concluded that Biden could probably not be convicted because, to a jury, he would appear to be a “sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory.”
Biden, and various Democrats on his behalf, made a big show of their outrage at this slur upon his cognitive abilities, but this is merely the latest piece of the drip-drip-drip campaign by the Democrats to swap out old Joe for the November 2024 election. For months, little news items have been allowed to trickle out into the government-controlled media about this or that gaffe or embarrassing moment, along with an occasional comment from a respected Obama crony on their “concern” about Joe seeking another term. None of this gets published in the Washington Post or the NYT or talked about on NBC or CNN unless the Obama politburo wants it to be. Following the news, there is always pushback from Biden’s press secretary or some other White House flack claiming Joe is as sharp as ever, outworks everyone around him, and has complete command of everything that’s happening in the world. But the result is that Joe’s mental fitness is always in the news, one way or another.
The back-and-forth is all part of the show. Biden will be replaced, but not now. To do it now would mean six months of arguments about who the presidential nominee should be, and the politburo has no use for that sort of bickering. Only when we get to the Democratic Convention will the issue become a “crisis,” and at that point the solution will be presented to all us slobs in the cheap seats. It will be a fait accompli, as those crazy French people say.
A current ABC News/Ipsos poll reports that 86% of Americans believe Biden is too old to serve a second term, but that’s not enough to pull the trigger. These next six months will be used to create close to a panic in the body politic from an overwhelming body of evidence that Joe (though he’s a wonderful guy, of course!), has become a danger to America. By the time the Democrats present their solution to the Biden problem, it will come as a relief, and the new Democratic candidate for president will be nominated by acclamation.
And who will that be? My position for a year has been that Michelle Obama will be swapped in. It’s the ideal solution for Barack since it will be understood he would run the nation and that Michelle’s role would be purely ceremonial. In this, his fourth term as president, he would not have to hide in the background the way he does now, with Biden as his avatar. In fact, he could live in the White House!
The problem of Kamala remains, however. The Democrats cannot be seen as having tossed her unceremoniously to the curb. And while she does not have a lot of support within the party, she remains beloved by older black women, and older black women may be the most fanatical group in the entire Democratic coalition. Kamala Harris has leverage, and if the Dems are not going to let her be president, they at least will have to throw her a bone. Or two.
In this context, it is interesting that media coverage of the Hur Report mentions the 25thAmendment, which allows a disabled President to be relieved of his powers and duties by the VP. Hur himself did not mention the 25th Amendment, so the reference to it is probably designed to educate the public on how Biden may legally get bumped aside when the time comes. And it further suggests how Kamala may be rewarded for her cooperation.
The Democratic Convention starts on August 24 in Chicago. A few days before, it will be reported that Biden has suffered a terrible mental setback or a physical injury (or something), and that it is necessary to invoke the 25th Amendment to transfer his powers and duties to his Vice President. This will happen immediately, to the relief of the American people and with their complete approval. Thus, Kamala will become the 47th President of the United States (and the First Black Woman President with a Vagina and she’s Part Asian too!). Then, at the convention itself, after hushed meetings in vape-filled rooms and days of feverish speculation in the press, it is announced that Michelle Obama has graciously agreed to save America and become the party’s candidate for President. A grateful nation elects her in a landslide in November. She takes over from Kamala Harris on January 20, 2025, and at her first opportunity, appoints Kamala to the Supreme Court.
Ever heard of Jackie Robinson? Of course you have. Now how about Earl Lloyd? No? Earl, on October 31, 1950, stepped on a basketball court and became the first black player in the NBA, but he was not a superstar so today, nobody knows his name. A hundred years from now, that will be Kamala—the answer to a trivia question.
The Democrats will take both the House and the Senate as well as the White House, though their majorities will probably not be very large.
There is just no reason, as a general matter, to vote for Republican candidates in 2024. They have done almost nothing to oppose the Leftist agenda of open borders, unbridled spending, the de-testosterone-ing of the military, and DEI racism. And they could have! The Republicans have controlled the House since the 2022 elections and could have given the Democrats zero dollars to enact their nightmare America, but they chose not to fight.
As a result of their complicity with the Democrats, there will be little enthusiasm for Republican candidates, and this is a big reason they are lagging in fund-raising vis-à-vis the Dems. Also, since the Republicans have done nothing to ensure the authentication of mail-in ballots, there will be more Democratic cheating in the 2024 elections than ever before. There will also be a lot more voting by non-citizens than there was in 2020, when there were about five million such votes.
Ill take some action on michelle being the dem candidate also duckie!!!! You already got my nose open now with the odds on presidency flipping!!!