The Harvard/Harris poll of October 18 asked a representative sample of your fellow Americans this question:
“Do you think the Hamas killing of civilians in Israel can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians or is it not justified?”
It was widely reported that a large majority said the killings were NOT justified. What was not so widely reported was disturbing, however. The youngest respondents were evenly split on the question. Half of young Americans from ages 18 to 34 believe that the grievances of Gazans justified burning Israelis alive, shooting entire families, killing babies, mowing down hundreds of concertgoers, raping and torturing and killing young women, and dragging hundreds of civilians away as hostages.
Think about the 18-34-year-olds you know. What do they think and how did they get that way? Half of them in America believe the savagery and the massacres of Israeli civilians can’t be condemned, that it was to be expected. Some of them think it was worth celebrating. Who the hell are these kids?
Here’s my theory on who they are.
They are not your 24-year-old haircutter at the Haircuttery. They are not the carpenter’s assistant building your shed. They are not the 30-year-old produce clerk putting oranges in the bin at your supermarket. They are not the young woman with two kids who just got her GED and is trying to get a job as a cop.
They are the barrista with the gender-studies degree who just frapped you a frappuccino. They are the Bernie Sanders fan who just graduated from Cornell and is trying to get into law school. They are the Ed-School student who thinks 14-year-old carjackers just need a little understanding. They are the recent BA in sociology who works as an intern in a diversity office. They are the young women who think it’s great that trans-women beat actual girls in swimming. They are the young man with $35K in student debt who delivers Uber food and has a BLM sign in his apartment window.
In other words, the young people who think it’s OK sometimes to cut babies heads off (if they’re Jewish babies), were taught that in school. There’s no way normal young people think that unless they had it drilled into them in high school and college.
This indoctrination has been going on for decades, behind closed doors, disguised as “compassion” and “anti-colonialism” and “acknowledging white privilege” and “social justice” and “fairness.” And now it has emerged, in 50% of our gen-whatevers, as tolerance for pure evil and a belief that there is some political grievance that can excuse the gleeful slaughter of innocents.
Who is to blame for what has been done to these young people, to turn them into moral monsters? There is no lack of villains here, beginning with the leftist academics who erased any understanding of right and wrong in these children and replaced it with tribalism and identity politics and Jew-hatred. But what of the rest of us who didn’t see it coming, or perhaps did sense there was a problem but didn’t understand it posed a threat to Western civilization? Yes, I feel responsibility for this, a sense I could have done more, a sense I should have seen what was happening.
One group that must be called out as having dropped the ball is American Jews. Sorry. I know you’ve had a bad October, but a lot of this is on you. “Never Again,” we were told over the years. That was the slogan and the rallying cry. Never again would endemic Jew-hatred be allowed to metastasize into another Holocaust. “Never Again” meant “we got this.” Jews accepted the duty to tell the world (and especially the children) about the evils of identitarianism and genocide, as well as the story of five thousand years in their homeland, from Judea to modern Israel.
And they failed. They got distracted. They were too busy. And the result is that millions of young people in America know nothing about the horrors of genocide or the history of the Middle East. In fact, they share the absurd belief the Israelis are colonizers in the land where Abraham and Moses walked.
There is really no excuse for this. American Jews are well-represented in academia, and there were always political, cultural, and financial resources available to tell the story. Yet they handed these ignorant young people over to the Herbert Marcuses and Angela Davises and Noam Chomskys of the world, and now look what we have.
For some reason, the focus of Jewish political attention in America has always been on the five hundred guys who live in shacks in Kentucky and Montana, who wear swastikas on their shirts on the weekends while they drink beer, shoot rats, and wonder why they don’t have girlfriends. These idiots don’t run movie studios or television stations, and they don’t lecture at universities. Occasionally they put up a sticker with a Star of David on a picture of a pig. Once every five years, they march to celebrate a statue of a Confederate General everybody else had forgotten about.
Nobody pays the slightest bit of attention to what these skinheads say, yet they have been the sole focus of the Abe-Foxman/anti-discrimination industry for decades. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Jewish Voice for Peace members show up to demonstrate for Hamas and Gazans and “Palestinians.”
With their own children marching in support of the slaughter of Israelis, will this finally be the moment when American Jews stop supporting, with money and votes, the people who hate them? Is it finally time to abandon liberal Democrats, leftist academia, and the “progressive” agenda?
Bill and Hillary Clinton routinely referred to Jews as hebes and kikes, and yet both took 70% of the Jewish vote when they ran for president. Barack Obama not only hates Jews, he hired people as top advisors who had long histories of Jew-hatred, and he personally treated the Israeli Prime Minister with contempt, but he somehow was rewarded with three-fourths of the Jewish vote in both of his elections. Joe Biden cannot stop throwing billions of dollars at Iran, which uses it to fund Islamic terrorism on a number of fronts. Eleven days after the slaughter of Israeli civilians, Biden sent $100 million in supplies to Gaza where the goods are currently being diverted by Hamas for their own purposes. If Biden is on the ballot again in 2024, will 77% of Jewish voters choose him, as they did in 2020?
This is now serious. This is now a threat to our existence. An America that cannot distinguish between good and evil will not survive. All of us must help, but Jews in America bear a large responsibility to teach the world ethics and morality. It’s a job that was originally given to them by God. We forget sometimes, but it’s why they were “chosen.”
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