Sunday, April 16, 2023


           It has been 85 years, and a lot of us have forgotten Wrong Way Corrigan, the pilot who, in 1938, took off from Brooklyn for a flight to Long Beach, California and landed in Dublin 38 hours later.  When he got back from Ireland, he became famous as America’s favorite goofball, and he pretty much retained that title for the rest of his life. It was a silly story, and nobody really got hurt.  Not even Corrigan.

          But being a goofball is not as cute as it used to be.  Today, it seems, there are lots of people who have committed dreadful errors but, for political reasons, will never pay a price.  One of my favorites is a superstar D.C. lawyer named Jamie Gorelick.

          Important note.  There are lots of people in America who have committed horrible crimes but who, for political reasons, will never pay a price for them.  You know their names---Bill and Hillary, Fauci, Obama, the Bidens, etc. I’m not talking about them.  I don’t view Jamie Gorelick as a criminal though you may be able to find “crimes” in the U.S. Code that she has committed.  (We all commit two or three a day without even noticing.)  But I’m not charging Jamie with being a criminal.  She’s just an idiot who managed to remain an EXTREMELY important player in Washington no matter what she did.  For thirty years.

          Gorelick graduated from Harvard Law (of course!) in 1975, and then disappears from public view until 1994 when Bill Clinton appoints her Deputy US Attorney General.  She immediately flies into action by initiating procedures for the investigation of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.  These included drafting the famous memo setting up a “wall” between criminal investigators and counterintelligence authorities.  According to Attorney General John Ashcroft (and many others), Gorelick’s memo is the reason the feds were never able to put the pieces together to stop the 9-11 attacks.  The 9-11 Commission itself, to which Gorelick had somehow managed to get herself appointed, never mentioned the “wall” memo in its report.

          In 1997, after her stint at the DOJ, Gorelick was appointed Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae, where she served until 2003 and collected $26.5 million in salary and bonuses.  In a 2002 interview, Gorelick assured Business Week that Fannie Mae was managed safely and that it was “among a handful of top-quality institutions.”  Shortly thereafter, the Fannie Mae accounting scandal erupted as regulators caught the company hiding $9 billion in unrecorded losses.

          Back in private practice in 2008, Gorelick represented Duke University in the infamous Duke lacrosse case, where the university and a prosecutor were found to have railroaded dozens of innocent athletes in order to support local activists and race-hustlers in a hoax accusing the white lacrosse players of crude and obscene behavior.

          You would think these incidents might be enough to tarnish Gorelick’s reputation, but no.  In Washington, if you are a leftist in good standing, no act of idiocy is sufficient to get you kicked off the gravy train.  Hey, man, she went to Harvard!  Sure, “mistakes were made,” but how can you blame Jamie?

          In March of 2022, Gorelick was appointed by Joe Biden as Chair of the Homeland Security Advisory Council.  What could go wrong?

          But Jamie Gorelick is 72 years old.  There’s probably not much more damage she can do.  It seems unlikely she will ever have the pull she did in the 1990s when she single-handedly prevented us from seeing 9-11 was coming.

          That’s why we need Zeynep Tufekci.

          It’s a Turkish name, and she was born in Istanbul, but she is now a sociology professor at Columbia University whose work, and op-eds, often appear in the New York Times.  Let us note at the outset that she has no training in medicine or epidemiology or viruses.

          Until April 3, 2020, Anthony Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, and Surgeon General Jerome Adams all advised against wearing masks as protection against a respiratory virus like COVID.  On that day, Fauci, the CDC, and Jerome Adams all changed their stories and demanded that we all start wearing the damn things.  There was no new “science” and no new medical study suggesting such a thing.  One of the great mysteries of the masking madness was how it got started in the first place.

          The reason was Tufekci.  She had actually accepted the decades of research indicating no benefit to masking and had said so in an article on February 27, 2020.  Then, in a March 17, 2020 op-ed in the New York Times, she told the world that masks were essential to prevent infection.  Supposedly, this was the only conclusion to be drawn from recent events in the Czech Republic where masking had prevented a COVID outbreak.  This was never true, but the tall tale about the Czech Republic became the rallying cry for the #Masks4All movement.  Less than three weeks later, the public health establishment in the U.S. did its about-face and universal masking became the norm.

          And now she’s at it again.

          On January 30, 2023, The Cochrane Review published its summary of 78 random control trial studies involving mask-wearing and its effect on the transmission of respiratory viruses, concluding that masking was worthless and probably harmful.  (Random control trials are often called the “gold standard” of medical research.)  This was basically the end of any rational basis for masking or mask mandates, though most of the support for masking was never rooted in science anyway.

          Tufekci, however, is not ready to let us take our masks off.  Armed with an ambiguous statement she had secured from Karla Soares-Weiser, Editor of the Cochrane Report, she wrote an op-ed for the NYT (3-10-23), entitled “Here’s Why the Science is Clear That Masks Work.”  And, at least in terms of how all the really, really smart people think, that was the end of the Cochrane Review and its 78 random control trial studies proving that mask-wearing is useless.  Tufekci forgot to mention in her op-ed that she was the person who put us on the path to universal masking in the first place, but I suppose that’s a minor point.

          It is mystifying, to me at least, how people like Jamie Gorelick and Zeynep Tufekci can be so catastrophically wrong and yet continue to be promoted, listened to, and even lauded by otherwise sensible people.  If there was one American official responsible for 9-11, it was Gorelick, and yet she is now at the pinnacle of D.C. power-brokers and influencers---nobody even checks her driver’s license anymore before putting her in charge of some critical government agency.  As for Tufekci, she wasn’t always a full professor at Columbia.  A few years ago, she was an assistant prof at North Carolina in the School of Library Science.  Then she wrote an article in Wired in support of censorship on social media (you know---all that “misinformation”), and now look at her.  She is the reason you had to tie that diaper to your face for two years, and there is no sign she is ever going away.




(Note: Much of the factual information herein about Zeynep Tufekci comes from a 3-26-23 article entitled “How Zeynep Tufekci and Jeremy Hoard Masked America,” by investigative reporter Michael Senger.  I am grateful for his work.)  


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