Wednesday, May 27, 2020

CORONA---The Howling

          Today at work, I spent much of the day muttering to myself about the bastards who have shut down large swathes of America for no reason, and the other bastards (the ones I thought were on my side), doing nothing about it.  With the mask on, no one can hear.  If they could, they would probably be dragging me away.

          At this point, there can be no conceivable reason for further restrictions, and yet they remain in place.  The original rationale offered ten weeks ago for shutting schools and colleges, all sports and cultural events and churches, and throwing tens of millions out of work was always questionable, especially since no discussion of it was permitted.  “Flattening the curve,” they said---relieving pressure on our healthcare system before it could be overwhelmed by the ‘rona.  OK, well that didn’t happen, and not only did it not happen but we have learned that the shutdowns were never going to flatten anything anyway.  A number of studies from around the world have confirmed what some of us suspected from the beginning---curves don’t get flattened and the number of cases a particular area experiences follows the same pattern regardless of the level of government restrictions imposed or not imposed.  The lockdowns have served no public health function.  All they have done is impoverish the healthy and the innocent.

          The only rational course of action for our overlords now is a decree ending all shelter-in-place edicts and policed lockdowns, allowing free people to live their lives as they see fit, taking whatever precautions they deem appropriate for themselves and their families.

          There is no longer any justification for the restrictions; there is literally no public health argument that can fairly be made.  The patterns everywhere are the same, and there have been no “second waves” despite the apocalyptic warnings of all our “experts.”  Somehow, we all survived people in Georgia getting haircuts and tattoos.

          Yet not only do the autocrats and bullies who authored these policies continue to enforce them and even extend them, there is virtually no political conservative who will even argue with them.  At most, the quislings in Congress and the conservative media will try to nibble around the edges of this policing regimen.  “Well, maybe we should allow 25 people to assemble now, so long as they wear masks, of course.”  “Well, we can’t open restaurants, of course, but with the right disinfecting procedures, we ought to allow hair salons to reopen some time in August.”  “Well, OK, you can play baseball but no one can watch.  And no spitting!  And we’ll have to take everybody’s temperature before every game.”

          NO!  The only correct answer is NO!  Open up the gyms and the ballparks and the restaurants and the swimming pools and the schools.  NOW!  And if there are people who don’t want to go to a baseball stadium with fans in the seats, fine.  No one is forcing them to go.  No one ever forced them to go.  Remember? At first, there will be plenty of people who still isolate themselves, especially because of all the virus-terror that has been pounded into all of us over the past months, but gradually public venues will begin to fill up again as people re-evaluate the risks in a way that is realistic and appropriate for them.  It may be a while before an 86-year-old with a compromised immune system goes to a hockey game, but that’s OK.  That’s the way it should be.  In a free society, one size never fits all.

          Why is this happening?  Why are the restrictions still in place?  Why are ministers and gym owners being threatened with massive fines and imprisonment and property seizures?  Why must tens of millions be driven into penury and despair?

          Because this is not about the virus anymore.

          Corona was the reason in the beginning, I think, at least to some extent.  The initial justification of flattening the curve was plausible if you didn’t think too deeply about it, and we were not permitted to think about it even a little bit.  There was no public debate at all.  The policing regimen was just dropped upon us, suddenly, without warning.  It was an emergency, you see.

          In the beginning, besides the virus, there were other reasons motivating the bullies and other aspects of our culture that prevented us from seeing what was happening until it was too late.  The precautionary principle has apparently triumphed in America, for example, and none of us noticed.  We never really objected when the diving boards disappeared and the peanuts in school lunches were banned.  Now we don’t even laugh out loud when someone in power refers to the “infinite value of a single human life,” as a matter of public policy.  The unnoticed politicization of science that allows a lifelong bureaucrat like Fauci to rule the country is another culprit, though the fingerprints were there in the legions of “climate scientists” who all stopped doing science and started proposing laws and treaties.  Then there are the traditional American ideals of freedom and individual responsibility that the Left have always hated---what better way to undermine them than to show how easily an “emergency” permits them to be suspended, and perhaps, destroyed. 

          And now that the nation has been brought to its knees after two months of executive rule, there are other reasons.  Defeating Trump in November is the biggest one, which is why Democratic governors are the most determined to maintain and extend the restrictions, and inflict the most economic pain possible, for which Trump will be blamed.  Unlike the Russia scam and impeachment and the Ukrainian phone call, Trump never saw this one coming.  Six months ago, it was obvious to everyone that the only way Trump could be defeated would be if his booming economy collapsed.  It is odd, and ironic, and sad, that when the Left came up with a plan to destroy it, and his presidency, Trump did not merely step aside, he embraced the idea.


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