I don’t remember the last time Pennsylvania’s presidential
primaries mattered. They are held so
late in the primary season that the races are almost always decided by the time
we get to vote. This year, however, on
April 26, Hillary and Bernie and Donald and Ted and John were all over the
Here’s what surprised me: the number of apparently normal,
even somewhat informed friends and acquaintances who were voting for Hillary as
if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Of all the unexpected things that have happened this election season,
this is the most puzzling. The Trump
phenomenon is a strange one, to be sure, and I didn’t see it coming, but I have
come to understand it. The
matter-of-fact acceptance of Hillary as someone one might vote for, however,
remains a mystery.
Now, let’s be clear.
I understand liberals. I know how
they think. I am surrounded by liberals
and I always have been. I live in
Philadelphia, where there has not been a Republican mayor in my lifetime. I do not know a single person who lives here
and is registered Republican. So when
people I know vote for Al Gore or John Kerry or Obama, or our various left-wing
Congressmen and City Councilmen and Mayors, it doesn’t surprise me in the least. I get it.
But Hillary? Doesn’t
she belong in a completely different category?
Is there NO level of depravity and corruption that will make a liberal
Democrat pause and think, “Well, wait a minute.
I know she’s the anointed one this cycle and I know she’s a liberal and
a Democrat, but I don’t have to vote for her,
do I? I mean, why can’t I vote for O.J.
this time? That way, I wouldn’t feel so
If these Hillary voters were kids who don’t know anything,
that would be understandable, I guess.
But the kids are voting for Bernie.
The Hillary voters I’m talking about, the ones I know, are older. They’re my age. Hillary voters in general are over
fifty. And that’s what I can’t
fathom. The people voting for Hillary
are people who know the Clintons. They’re old enough to remember the Clinton
presidency, and Hillary’s role in it, and the Senate election, and the election
campaign of 2008, and the Secretary of State years.
And yet, somehow it doesn’t matter. Really?
It doesn’t matter that they trashed the White House ($20,000 in
damages), before they handed it over to the Bushes? It doesn’t matter that they rented out the
Lincoln Bedroom? It doesn’t matter that
they sold presidential pardons? It
doesn’t matter that Bill pardoned Puerto Rican terrorists in order to curry
favor for Hillary with New York Puerto Ricans for her Senate campaign? It doesn’t matter that they stole the freaking White House china when they left office and later
had to give it back??
And I’ve barely touched the surface here. There’s the Rose Law Firm records that were
subpoenaed but which she couldn’t find even though they were in her bedroom for
two years. And her miraculous $100K
profit on cattle futures. And the
execution of Ricky Ray Rector in Arkansas in 1992. And the Rwandan genocide that Bill could have
stopped with a phone call, but couldn’t be bothered.
I mean, why not vote for one of the million liberals, good Democrats all, who DON’T
run a money-laundering operation that spends only 10% of its budget on actual
charitable work. Hey, you tin-pot
psychotic dictators---do you want the private cell phone number of the US
Secretary of State? Do you want her to
come to your broken-down hellhole of a country and legitimize you, treat you
like David Cameron? Well, all you have
to do is book her husband for a million bucks or so in speeches. Sweep off the tarmac. Here she comes.
There’s so much of it, and it never ends. There apparently has never been a time in her
life when she was not crooked. In 1974, even
before anybody knew her name, she was fired for dishonesty from her job as an intern
on the Watergate Committee. Yes, that Watergate Committee. And to the Democratic geezers and
baby-boomers voting for her, none of this matters?
If nothing else, how can anyone vote for a person who, at
Andrews Air Force Base on September 14, 2012, while standing over the bodies of four Americans murdered at
Benghazi, lied to their grieving relatives by blaming the murders on an internet
video, a ridiculous story she knew to be false?
How can Democrats vote for a woman who would do such a thing?
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