Saturday, July 26, 2014


The following is a letter sent to the Philadelphia Inquirer about its coverage, on Sunday, July 20, of the Israel-Hamas war.

To the editor:
In Sunday's Inquirer, you published a photograph of dozens of Palestinians (all male, for some reason), standing around a hole in the ground, with some of them laying on the dirt and flailing their arms. The caption read: "Mourners use their hands to dig the graves of a Gaza family killed in an Israeli strike on their house."

Really? Really??? Are you seriously trying to tell me that these Palestinians, while they have thousands of Qassam rockets and the rocket-launchers to fire them, and grocery stores and apartment buildings and restaurants and schools and hospitals and shopping malls, DO NOT HAVE FREAKING SHOVELS?

This preposterous staged photograph was printed on the front page, above the fold. The other photos you published on Sunday were similar---Palestinian corpses and Palestinians weeping. The only picture of the Israeli side of the conflict was a shot of Israeli tanks rolling toward the border.

These photographs are typical of your coverage. Virtually every shot portrays the Palestinians as victims and Israelis as killers. Where are the pictures of terrified Israeli children cowering in bomb shelters? And when will you show us heavily-armed Hamas fighters heading out to battle the Jews they wish to exterminate?

The Philadelphia Inquirer's complicity in the Hamas propaganda campaign is appalling.


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