Monday, July 31, 2023


          There are not many places in the world that have a chief executive analogous to the American President, a single person who is both the head of state and the political leader of the nation.  Most places have something similar to the UK, with a monarch or other figurehead who holds little political power along with a Prime Minister who runs the government and is responsible for policymaking.


         In this country, what we tend to have is somebody who is supposed to fill both roles but who is much better at one than the other.  LBJ, for example, is generally regarded as a political genius but an extremely crude man who was an embarrassment as a president.  Bill Clinton was much the same---a politician who always thought three steps ahead, but a rapist and apparent sociopath in his private life.  Jimmy Carter was the opposite, a kindly and soft-spoken religious sort who had no clue how to deal with the economy, foreign countries, etc.  Occasionally, you get a guy who can handle both roles.  Reagan was courtly and charming but knew how to get things done.  Obama also was very effective in the dirty world of politics but was generally admired as a gentleman and a family man.


         And what is Biden?  Well, he’s not exactly a President, is he?


Biden is the head of state.  He doesn’t seem to work much, except in public events where he will have a few words to recite from a teleprompter.  Photographs are taken.  He shakes hands with the Israeli foreign minister.  He has lunch with an important diplomat from somewhere.  Then he is taken to Rehoboth, Delaware for a long weekend where he is photographed eating an ice-cream cone.  Always, no questions may be asked unless it is a brief, planted question for which Joe has been prepared with an answer.


Joe Biden does not make policy or craft legislative plans or strategize around a political agenda.  He is not capable of doing those things anymore.  Twenty years ago, he might have functioned as a real president, but of course, nobody wanted him to be president twenty years ago.  It was only when he reached his dotage that he became useful for the Democrats as a figurehead.  He is told what to do and what to say, he is rehearsed for his public appearances, and then he is taken back to his rooms for a nap.


This is the third term of Barack Obama.  About 75% of the staff in the West Wing, and everyone of significance, previously worked for Obama.  Susan Rice, who recently left the White House position as domestic policy advisor, was Obama’s national security advisor and UN ambassador.  Among other things, she oversaw passing Biden’s trillion-dollar infrastructure spending bill and supervised immigration policy on the Mexican border.  She has been, in effect, Obama’s chief of staff throughout the Biden “presidency.”


And for the Democrats, this clandestine version of the UK’s bifurcated executive has worked well.  The biggest benefit is that Biden automatically becomes the fall-guy for the disasters wrought by Obama and the Democratic politburo during this administration.  The bizarre departure from Afghanistan, leaving thousands of Americans behind enemy lines and bequeathing tens of billions of dollars’ worth of state-of-the-art military equipment to a regime rooted in 8th-century values---that little booboo belongs to Joe.  And so does the human trafficking now rampant along our open southern border.


But now there is a problem.  The Democrats were able to drag Joe across the finish line in 2020 for several reasons.  First, there was an unprecedented enthusiasm among Trump-haters and a widespread willingness to use any method to defeat him.  Then, when authentication-free, mail-in voting became legal in many states, new methods of cheating were available for the first time.  But now the many policy failures of the administration, and Joe’s increasingly obvious age and senility, mean that he will have to be replaced.


This must be done gently, but the process has begun.  For more than two years, the corruption of the Biden family and the millions in bribes accepted from foreign powers has been suppressed by the media and censored by tech companies, but now bits and pieces of this story are being allowed to appear in outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post.  In addition, one tiny story about Joe’s health was published about three weeks ago---he is now using a CPAP machine to help him sleep.  This is especially significant because absolutely NOTHING at all negative about Biden’s health or mental capacity has been permitted in the state-controlled media since he was nominated in 2020, and there was no necessity to report this CPAP story at all.  It would seem the only reason to release it is to begin laying the groundwork for a “Joe-is-getting-a-little-too-old-to-be-president” explanation for why he must step aside.


But how to replace him, and by whom?  Joe Biden was the perfect figurehead in part because he was not capable of being a real president.  But how do you get Gavin Newsom, at age 55, to stand in front of the cameras and eat ice-cream?  You can’t.  If Biden steps aside and Newsom wins, he will be glad to take Obama’s phone calls, but he will insist on his own aides, his own West Wing, and his own policies.  There will be no fourth term for Barack Obama.


The Democrats have been very successful in forging a united front for electoral purposes.  In 2020, Bernie Sanders was persuaded to drop out and fade away, Buttigieg and Kamala Harris were bought off with high-level positions, and the decks were cleared for the third Obama administration.  This time, however, the attempt to replace Biden with another figurehead will likely lead to a schism.  Democrats like Newsom will stand aside if Joe runs as an incumbent president, but if Biden is dropped there will a challenge to the Obama reign and the new Obama avatar.


When that happens, Obama will have to drop the pretense.  If, for example, Obama chooses Kamala Harris as his fake president, it won’t work because Newsom (or other Democrats), would crush her in the primaries.  The only way Biden was nominated in 2020 was that all the other legitimate candidates were forced to buy into the scam, but Newsom and other candidates would have no reason to do that this time.


In 2024, in other words, the figurehead must be someone everyone knows will be a figurehead.  That’s why the 2024 Democratic nominee will probably be Michelle Obama, and everyone will know up front that she will be spending most of her presidency on Martha’s Vineyard or Ibiza while her hubby is doing the actual president stuff.


The objection I always hear to this theory is that Michelle won’t do anything involving actual work, and that all she is willing to do is vacation and shop and hang with girlfriends.  All that is true, and the negotiations in the Obama household regarding her presidential role from 2025 to 2029 would make for fascinating eavesdropping, but there can be little doubt she will fall into line.  In their minds, you see, it’s never a power-grab or a coup d’etat, it’s what needs to be done “for the good of the country.”  She won’t want to do it, but she will.


January 20, 2025: President Michelle Obama.  Get used to the idea.




I suppose I would be remiss in this review of the 2024 Democratic candidates if I failed to mention Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an announced contender for the nomination.  Early polls had him taking 20% of the Democratic vote for the nomination (a number that has now dropped to about 10%).


On the plus side, he certainly has name recognition across the country, and from the first moment, he was right about every aspect of the COVID lunacy that swept the country for the past 3 ½ years.  Unfortunately, he is a sideshow in the political world, and he will simply be disappeared by the state-controlled media and tech companies as the campaign becomes more serious.


The biggest problem for him is that NO ONE in a position of power wants to discuss what happened during “the pandemic.”  Whether they are elected officials at the state or federal level, bureaucrats, part of the medical and healthcare establishment, media companies, technology businesses, pharma, or the judiciary, and whether they are Republicans or Democrats, virtually everyone has a lot to hide and nothing to be proud of.  Holding our officialdom and elites in some way accountable for the lies, the deaths, and the economic meltdown they engineered will not be permitted so long as those same people are in charge.  This is why the lies continue to this day and why someone like RFK Jr. is pilloried as a conspiracy theorist and a loonie.  He was right about COVID and everything he said has now been proven correct.  But that doesn’t matter.


The other problem for RFK Jr. is that he is a conspiracy theorist and a loonie.  OK, that may be a bit harsh.  However, in addition to his views on COVID, he is known for his beliefs that 5G causes cancer, fluoridated water makes children stupid, the 2004 election was stolen from John Kerry, and childhood vaccines cause autism.


These are all areas where serious inquiries may be made, of course, since that is what rational people are supposed to do, but RFK seems to have come to conclusions on these topics that cannot really be justified by existing knowledge.  It is wrong, and ignorant, to dismiss the theory linking vaccines and increased levels of autism, or to laugh at the people who propose such a link.  However, RFK doesn’t just propose it or theorize about it.  He is convinced the issue is settled and that vaccines cause autism.  The evidence supporting that conclusion does not exist.


But by far the most troubling aspect of Kennedy’s advocacy has been his maniacal support for worldwide efforts to fight climate change or global warming.  In this area, he has been a true believer for decades, once demanding the “death penalty” for Exxon and Koch Industries because they sponsored “climate lies.” 


Very recently, there is some evidence he is beginning to see that the climate totalitarians are the same people (the WEF, Gates, Schwab, leftist green groups), using the same methods (inciting panic, throttling free markets and economic growth, redistributing wealth worldwide, reducing population, imposing non-democratic “emergency” government), to achieve the same ends that the COVID fascists have sought for the past 3 ½ years.  But for thirty years, Kennedy swallowed the entire package---the hockey stick, “An Inconvenient Truth,” Siberian tree rings, electric cars, “hiding the decline,” insect-eating, etc.  For someone who claims to be devoted to human liberty, democratic principles, and scientific truth, how could he possibly miss the totalitarian agenda of the Green New Deal, the Great Reset, and the “global crisis” of climate change?


It would be wonderful for America, and even for the world, if Kennedy were permitted a national TV platform with other candidates.  I agree with him that the most important issue in this election should be holding accountable those who tried to use COVID to eliminate our fundamental human rights and destroy our system of government.  It’s just not going to happen.




Saturday, July 15, 2023



         I have questions about who will win.  In particular, I do not buy the story being told by Trump and his various boosters and flacks that the race is over.


         As for the non-entities (Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Tim Scott, Ryan Binkley, Doug Burgum, Chris Christie, Larry Elder, Will Hurd, Asa Hutchinson, Perry Johnson, Vivek Ramaswamy, Francis Suarez), little needs to be said.  Many of them are nice people and might even be good presidents in a different universe, but the idea that one of them will emerge from the pack and win the Republican nomination is just silly.  It will either be Trump or DiSantis.


         In the race between the two, the polls indicate Trump is ahead by a lot, but I love the campaign DiSantis is running.  He knows the race does not end today, or tomorrow, and he knows that the steady drip of criminal indictments will take its toll.  Yes, the charges against Trump are fueled solely by Trump Derangement Syndrome and are largely bogus, but they are not going away.  In fact, there will be more of them, and their effect is to diminish Trump’s chances of victory in a general election.  There are still plenty of Trumpsters who would take a bullet for the guy, but there are also Trumpsters who are losing faith in his ability to win.


         In this bizarre political environment, the DiSantis campaign strategy has been perfect, and brilliant.  He does not engage in the mud-wrestling, though he will occasionally respond politely to Trump’s constant efforts to make the campaign personal.  He presents himself as the conservative (which he is), presses the anti-woke politics that made him so successful in Florida, and waits for the electorate to turn his way.  Time is his friend, and Trump’s enemy.  Though he may not win, I admire DiSantis for his consistency in formulating a strategy early on and sticking with it.


         Also, the polls that Trump touts relentlessly are not as uniformly pro-Trump as Donald (and the leftists who are pushing him for the Republican nomination) would have you imagine.  In head-to-head Trump-DiSantis polls, Trump wins handily, it is true.  However, in a number of swing states, Biden beats Trump but loses to DiSantis.  These largely unpublicized polls are being noticed by Republicans who want to win in 2024.  There is a growing body of evidence for what we all suspect---that Trump can never get 50% of the vote in a general election.  But DiSantis may.




         But while it is fun to speculate on the Republican primary race, the fact remains that the Democrats will win in 2024.  In fact, there is no reason to think there will ever be another free and fair presidential election in the United States.  In many states, voting laws were changed in 2020 to allow mail-in voting with virtually no authentication of voters.  Many millions of Democratic voters are not voters at all.  They are “ballots.”


         It will probably be illegal soon to state the 2020 election was stolen, but it’s not yet punishable as a crime so I might as well say it.  The 2020 election was stolen.  The result is just so implausible that no fair-minded individual who has reviewed the facts can conclude it was kosher.


         Let’s recap, starting with some numbers that have already been dropped down the memory hole.  Here are the popular vote totals in the last four presidential elections:


         Biden 2020:         81 million

         Trump 2020:        74.2 million

         Obama 2008:        69.5 million

         Obama 2012:        65.9 million

         Clinton 2016         65.9 million

         Trump 2016:         63 million

         Romney 2012:      60.9 million

         McCain 2008:       59.9 million


         First, please note that the top three totals are the most ever recorded in a US presidential election.  Obama’s 69.5 million in 2008 was a record at the time. Trump beat that number in 2020 by almost 5 million, yet somehow Biden, a man who generated no enthusiasm as a candidate and who regularly attracted fifty or a hundred people to his rallies, crushed them both.  As most of us can recall, the energy and excitement for Obama in 2008 was off the charts, yet his old war-horse of a VP somehow attracted 11.5 million more “votes” (an increase of 16%) than Barack had garnered at the peak of his popularity.


         In US presidential elections in which an incumbent is seeking re-election, our history is that the contest becomes a referendum on the incumbent.  If he receives fewer popular votes the second time, he loses (only exception: Obama in 2012).  If he gets more votes the second time, he wins.  Trump, in 2020, got 11.2 million more votes in 2020 than he had in 2016, yet he lost.  Nothing remotely close to this has ever happened before in our history.  No incumbent president has ever gotten more votes in his second election than he did in his first, yet lost.


         Other voting anomalies abound, and rather than get too deep into the weeds, I recommend you look at the analysis of data from the 2020 census versus voting totals.  Also look at results in the bellwether counties across the US.  There were 19 such counties which had voted for the presidential winner in every race since 1980.  This time, 18 of the 19 went for Trump, yet he lost.  None of these anomalies is definitive in itself, but as you review the evidence, you too will come to see just how implausible it is to believe Biden won the 2020 election.


         For me, the most suggestive lies in the sheer number of votes.  In 2016, Trump and Clinton pulled a total of 128.9 million votes.  Four years later, there were 155.2 million cast, an increase of over 20%.


         Turnout across the land, we are told, was around 75%, the largest since the election of 1900.


         Recall that the election occurred in November of 2020, when the country was in a state of panic.  There were mask mandates in most of the nation and social-distancing stickers on the floor of supermarkets and sanitizer stations at the door of every business.  A hundred thousand businesses had closed. COVID death tolls were trumpeted on TV and in newspapers every day, and the vaccines (that were totally fer sure going to save everybody), were unavailable, not yet approved.  I knew plenty of people who, in November 2020, would not leave the house for any reason.  They had all their food and other supplies delivered.


         And yet, in 2020, 26.3 million more people voted than had done so in 2016.  Where did they all come from?  They didn’t all go to the trouble of figuring out how to vote by mail, did they?


         The fraudulent votes in 2020 came primarily from three sources, some of which were traditional and some of which were brand-new.  Since Republicans have done virtually nothing to stop the cheating, the number of fraudulent votes will only continue to grow.


         Traditional Cheating in Big Democratic Cities


         I am familiar with this variety because I live in Philly and it has been going on my entire life, in every election.  Democrats even do it in primary elections; in other words, they cheat each other.


         The Democratic machine has run Philadelphia, and Philadelphia elections, since I was born.  What this means is that the vast majority of polling places in the city are run by minor Democratic officials (committeemen and such), who live in the neighborhood.  Typically, there are noRepublicans present at the table to oversee what happens.  These local Democrats serve for decades and come to know everyone in the community.  They know who died.  They know who moved to Florida in 2008.  All these departed voters are on the rolls because there is never any effort to remove non-voters from the list, and if there is an attempt to mount such an effort, it is viciously resisted as anti-democratic or racist or whatever.  YOU WANT TO DISENFRANCHISE VOTERS????  Nice try, you Republican fascists, but we’re having none of it.


         For many years in Philly, there were more votes cast than there were registered voters.  Nobody seemed to care much, but they don’t do it that way anymore.  Nowadays, the turnout is large, but not impossible.


         Of course, the local Democrats running the precinct cast votes for the people who moved on to Clearwater or Salt Lake or heaven ten years before.  I’m sure they think that those folks would have wanted it that way.


         And they do another thing as well.  On election day in Philly, no union member in any of the building trades works.  It’s the law or it’s in their contracts or something, and that’s the way it has been since the Big Bang.  What they do is drive around the city and bring people into polling places so they can vote.  These voters live in group homes and do not understand what “vote” means, or they are drug addicts who live on the street, but they are brought to polling places by the van-load and they are allowed to vote.  The guys who drive them to the polling venue go into the voting booth with them.  You know.  To help.


         I have personally witnessed this.  Probably every conscientious voter in South Philly, where I saw it, has witnessed it.


         Non-Citizen Voters


         With the open border to our South, there are an increasing number of these voters.  A recent study by Just Facts indicates that between ½ million and 5 ½ million (let’s call it 3 million), non-citizens voted in the 2020 presidential election.  Eliminating these illegal votes would have been more than enough to move several swing states into the Trump column and give him the necessary electoral votes for the win.


         All fifty states require that registered voters be citizens.  Also, federal law forbids non-citizens from voting.  As a rule, however, no documentary evidence is required, and when some states tried to demand proof of citizenship, court rulings obtained by the Obama Administration prevented states from doing so.  In effect, there is no enforcement of the rule that voters must be citizens, no one tries to catch them, and there is no punishment if they should be caught.


         At the state level, some states ask for a social security number but most request only a bank statement or utility bill.  Even a request for an SS number is not very effective since most illegals have them.  The traffic in fake SS numbers is large.


         The Just Facts study was not some sort of extrapolation, it was actually based on a series of surveys of non-citizens that began in 2008.  At that time 15% of illegals said they had registered and 8% said they had actually voted.  These numbers have grown in subsequent elections so that based on these surveys, the number of non-citizens who voted in 2020 was (best conservative estimate), around 3.5 million.  Any errors on these self-reported votes would tend to understate the actual numbers, of course, since there would be voters who would not want to admit they had done something illegal.


         Invented People


         In the past, the problem with inventing people and casting votes for them was that on election day, you had to produce some person at the polling place who would walk in, sign the book, enter the booth, and vote.  Among people who want to cheat in elections, this was not a moral issue, but it was a practical one.  Where are we going to find somebody who will walk in and pretend to be somebody we made up?


         This problem was solved for the cheaters by the widespread passage of vote-by-mail legislation in 2020.  There are places where authentication of ballots was preserved in the vote-by-mail process (e.g., Florida).  But in most states, the new vote-by-mail laws were a way of eliminating the requirement that people identify themselves before being permitted to vote.  I am most familiar with Pennsylvania, and that is what happened here.  Previously, a registered voter had to appear in person, sign the book, and have their signature checked against a prior signature.  Then mail-in ballots arrived, there was no authentication, yet the ballots were counted.  Dates didn’t matter, signatures didn’t matter, and there was suddenly no interest in determining that the ballot came from a living, human, resident of the state.  “Ballots” gave Biden the win in Pennsylvania, not voters.  And this occurred across the land.


         There is nothing surprising about the fact that when you give people a reason to invent human beings, they will do so.  If it will further their political goals, or put money in their pockets, OF COURSE they will invent people.


         On October 22, 1986, President Reagan signed the Tax Reform Act of 1986.  One of its provisions was that any child five years or older claimed as a dependent  had to have a Social Security number.  The following year, seven million dependent children disappeared from the tax rolls.

