Sunday, February 20, 2022



“We have met the enemy and he is us.”

                ---Walt Kelly, creator of Pogo


          The U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a “National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin” on February 7, 2022.  Summarizing the threat of terrorism, the document’s first sentence warns of a “heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories….”


          What are these “narratives?”


          Key factors contributing to the current heightened threat environment include:

          1. The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions:

          *For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19.”


          Later in the Bulletin, the DHS gets more specific about the nature of the threat:

          “COVID-19 mitigation measures---particularly COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates---have been used by domestic violent extremists to target government, healthcare, and academic institutions that they associate with those measures.”  (I don’t really remember these violent terrorist attacks on American institutions, but hey, I don’t get out much.)



          “Some domestic violent extremists have continued to advocate for violence in response to false or misleading narratives about unsubstantiated election fraud.”


          Remember: this is about TERRORISM.  This is the Department of Homeland Security defining, and warning us about, DOMESTIC TERRORISM.  Maybe you thought you were just an anti-vaxxer, or a Biden-denier, or a white supremacist, or a MAGA-hatted loon, or a parent who wanted your kid to be able to take his mask off at school.  Sorry.  You’re a Domestic Terrorist now, Osama.




Sunday, February 13, 2022

2022 NFL PLAYOFFS—Superbowl

           For a guy like me and a system like mine, this is an easy call, so this will be short and sweet.


          AYP (“adjusted yards per pass”) is a measure of a team’s ability to complete long passes, make big plays, and “throw the ball down the field.”  Cincinnati’s AYP for the regular season was 7.4, the biggest number of all fourteen playoff teams.  LA’s AYP was 6.6.  I’m picking the Bungles to win the game.


          Otherwise, there are few major differences in the stats these teams bring to the party.  Both outscored their opponents by about 5 points per game.  Both came into the postseason as #4 seeds.  Both are primarily passing attacks with mediocre rushing games.


          I won’t argue with those who claim the Rams’ pass defense is superior to Cincy’s, but based on the numbers I see, the gap is not large.


          One final point.  In the playoffs, the Rams faced a 3rd, 5th and 6th seed in Dallas, Arizona and San Fran, three teams no one really expected to win the championship.  Cincy, by contrast, beat a 1, 2, and a 5 (Tennessee, KC and Vegas) to get here.  Both Tennessee and Kansas City were considered serious contenders for the crown.  In other words, the Rams had a relatively easy path to this Superbowl, but the Bengals met, and beat, the best.



Friday, February 11, 2022



          The silencing, de-platforming, and censorship we are seeing is a natural outgrowth of the leftwing takeover of education that began in the 1960s.  From kindergarten to graduate school, with rare exceptions, thinking skills have been replaced by indoctrination.  I was taught how to think critically from the 9th grade upward.  Today, only a few students in graduate school (mostly law students), get any of this.  The rest are instructed only on the correct ideas and values to hold.


          (This is why, for example, you never have an argument about abortion, despite the fact it has been the most contested moral issue in America for fifty years.  Those who support an unfettered right to abortion simply KNOW it is the right opinion to have but cannot rebut the arguments of those who disagree, so the discussion never takes place.  If cornered, they may scream “A woman’s right to choose!” at you, but that’s all they’ve got.)


          But this indoctrination works only when the students, or the adults they become, know where to look for further instruction about what to think.  As long as their only sources of information are Rachel Maddow, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the like, it will be easy to maintain discipline in the ranks.


          The problem is that in a pluralistic society, adults will sometimes wander off the reservation.  They won’t always fall asleep to Steven Colbert or watch The View in the break room while they’re eating lunch.  Sometimes, they will stumble across a podcast from Joe Rogan or Russell Brand, or click on a link with information about injuries and deaths caused by COVID vaccines.  Or they might find themselves reading about Democratic pedophilia pizza shops.  Then what are they supposed to do?  They have been given no intellectual tools with which to distinguish between “acceptable” views, the arguments of responsible dissenters, and the rantings of lunatics.


          And that is why we are seeing censorship and the shutting down of discussion before a debate can even get started.  Only the “acceptable” views can be freely disseminated.  Everything else becomes “misinformation,” a concept of very recent vintage.  And everyone who supports the New Normal reality must support the censorship as well.  The federal government, other levels and agencies of government, broadcast networks, social media, newspapers, and even entertainment companies must prevent any information that conflicts with the narrative from reaching the brains of the previously indoctrinated, because the indoctrinated just might believe it.          




          From an obituary for Ninetyfive South Stewart, in the Philadelphia Inquirer on February 8, 2022:


          Mr. Stewart was born at the Dover Toll Plaza in Delaware on I-95 South on May 22, 1991. The family was headed to North Carolina when his mother, Patricia Faison Boyer, started going into labor in the car. No one knew she was pregnant.”




          It may be wishful thinking, but I am beginning to see cracks in the COVID madness of masks and vaccine mandates and closed schools and lockdowns.  There seems to be a bit of leakage in the united front of media, totalitarian politicians, and media.


          Admissions that cloth and paper masks don’t really work is being reported in the U.S.’s government-controlled media.  Imagine that!  There was a grudging statement from CDC Director Wallensky that maybe not all the 16 billion COVID deaths in America were actually caused by the virus.  All these revelations (which we have known since the madness began but which could not be spoken out loud), are now being gently suggested in places like CNN and NBC and the NYT.


          There are many states and countries that are dropping virtually all COVID restrictions.  Places that have lived through brutal lockdowns for almost two years are opening up.  Denmark, Norway, the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands and France are dropping all their mandates.


          And then there is Justin Trudeau, of course.  And there is New York City and Los Angeles and Italy and Australia and New Zealand, where there is still little evidence that freedom will ever be returned to the citizens.


          The contrasts can be startling.  In Philadelphia schools, mask mandates for school students are being made more stringent, and ordinary cloth masks will no longer be permitted.  Meanwhile, fifty miles away, the state of Delaware is ending its mask mandates for students entirely.  The store where I work is in Philadelphia County, on the border with Montgomery County.  I must be masked all day while I am working, and the vast majority of customers are also masked, since it is required in Philly.  Across the street in Montgomery County, there is no mask requirement and no more than half the people in stores wear them.  Also, while I am not permitted to eat in a Philadelphia restaurant, I can walk across the street to any number of fine bars and restaurants.


          This world of absurd contrasts will go on for some time, and there is no way to predict how it will end.  The worst of the authoritarians (e.g., Trudeau), will not give up easily.  This was their dream, and they almost got there.  They want everyone’s medical information digitized, they want a cashless society, they want complete control of the flow of information, they want the Great Reset, they want fewer people on earth, they want fossil fuels banned, they want free elections to end, and they want a Chinese-style social credit system.


          But it is hard to see how this dichotomy can persist forever.  There has never been any basis for masking or lockdowns or mandates or forced vaccinations, and an increasing percentage of the population is beginning to realize it.  The government officials who lied to us for two years and the people who believed everything they were told on TV have to be given a face-saving way to ease out of their fanaticism, but that process seems to be underway.  The “science” is changing, or something.  “Some mistakes were made” often seems to work in these situations.  Then there’s plenty of finger-pointing options.  “I believed the experts.”   “I trusted the CDC.” “I was merely acting out of an abundance of caution.”  And, of course: “I just wanted to protect the children.”


          I am hopeful that the totalitarians will be unable to retain their power and that people like Fauci and Biden and B.J and Newsom and Trudeau and Bill Gates will quietly fade from public view, unable to inflict their next anointed vision of the perfect society upon us, but maybe that is too much to expect.  I will be satisfied if they simply go away for a while.  They may have little choice.  Soon, their only option to maintain the campaign will be to start gunning down people in the streets, and they do not have enough police or soldiers who would go along with such a program.




          Up until about twenty years ago, I never saw a kitchen without a calendar on the wall.  Now the practice seems to have been relegated strictly to geezers.

          Phones?  Apps?  Whatever….  Just get off my grass.





          All you have to do to cure yourself of the dream of a cashless society is look at what happened in the Canadian protests.  People around the world contributed $9 million through GoFundMe to support the truckers protesting Trudeau’s mandates, but once GoFundMe had the money, they announced they would not direct it to the protesters.  Instead, they would give it to other charities, of their choosing.


          This is exactly what will happen in a cashless society if the government doesn’t like what you are doing with your money.  They will disappear it.




          For me, the most annoying aspect of the COVID madness at the moment is the effort to rescue the obedience rituals around walking around with a diaper strapped to your face (AND your two-year-old’s face!).  I understand that so much effort went into telling us, every 47 minutes, how important it is to wear a mask that we cannot expect the cult will suddenly drop the masking narrative.  Cognitive dissonance is real.  The people who pushed this, and actually believed it, will never admit they were taken in or mistaken.  Their heads would explode.  They will need a face-saving explanation for why masking was a matter of life and death for two years and now is, sort-of, well, never mind….


          So find one.  Find a way to explain to yourselves why you joined this cult and why we shouldn’t believe you will fall in with the next iteration of Charlie Manson when he appears.


          But the current effort is pitiful.  It started with the suggestion (I think it came from Fauci himself), that you would be much safer if you wore two masks, or three!  (There is a cashier at my big-box store who wears two masks and a plastic face shield for eight hours a day. Still.)  There are not very many people who want to do that, so now we are hearing that N-95 masks are the ticket.


          The shifting mask story reminds me a bit of Nixon's "limited hang-out" strategy in Watergate.  After months of lying about everything, he decided that the official White House narrative would admit some of the lesser allegations so that he and his boys could appear to be at least somewhat honest and transparent.  "Stonewalling" wasn't working very well, so he decided to give "limited hang-out" a try.  In a similar way, we are now in the "well yeah, those cloth masks don't do much but these N95 thingies REALLY stop the rona" phase.


          We all know how well “limited hang-out” worked, and the attempts to save the mask narrative are not likely to succeed either.





          As U.S. State Department spokesmen and Biden flacks daily crank up the rhetoric about troop movements and Russian false flag operations, I’m sensing a “wag the dog” odor about this imminent Putin invasion of the Ukraine.


          Are the Ukies as worried about a Russian invasion as CNN is?  I wonder.    It wouldn’t be the first time that a failing president, like Biden, tried to excite hatred against some bad guy in another country.




          I have written about the lethal consequences of our government’s ban on COVID treatments in pursuit of its all-vaccines-all-the-time initiative.  It will be a long time before America’s doctors are forgiven for abandoning their responsibility as clinicians and passively accepting demands from public health officialdom that doctors not treat their patients.


          Banning early treatments for COVID was a Fauci/CDC initiative that Trump went along with.  The nation’s public health declaration that there was no effective treatment for minimally-symptomatic COVID cases had three obvious effects.  First, the level of terror in the citizenry was ratchetted upwards since no one who contracted COVID would even be permitted to see their family doctor.  The only treatment they might receive would be in a hospital once they were so sick that any treatment might come too late.  Second, many of the people who could have been saved by early treatment would die from the virus.  And finally, once the vaccines were approved, the population would fight each other to get them because of their increased fear and their lack of any alternative treatments. 


          There was an additional, little reported, reason for Fauci and the CDC to ban early treatment of COVID, however, and it is buried in the Code of Federal Regulations.


          Under FDA regulations, it can take a decade for a new medicine or vaccine to be finally approved for use in the general population, mostly because required “Phase III trials” can take years to complete.  The alternative to full approval, however, is an Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”), which permits use without completion of the full range of Phase III tests.


          As the FDA states in “Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines Explained,” published 11/20/20:

“Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.”  (Emphasis added.)


            This requirement, that emergency use can only be approved if there is no alternative treatment, has been in place for many years.  Long before COVID, in January 1998, the FDA published “Emergency Use of an Investigational Drug or Biologic,” which provided:

“Emergency use is defined as the use of an investigational drug or biological product with a human subject in a life-threatening situation in which no standard acceptable treatment is available….”


            Prior to COVID, no new vaccine had ever been approved for an Emergency Use Authorization.  Under the procedures applied to all previous new vaccines, FDA approval for COVID vaccines would not have occurred until about 2026 at the earliest.  But after less than a year of R & D and clinical trials, Pfizer’s application for the first-ever vaccine EUA was submitted on November 20, 2020, and granted three weeks later.  It would not have happened had American doctors been permitted to treat COVID patients (with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, for example), because then “standard acceptable treatments” would have existed, and no EUA could have been granted.


          Over the past 23 months, there have been many thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of people who tested positive for COVID, isolated themselves at home for a week or so with no treatment until they became so sick they were admitted to a hospital, and died there.  We have no idea how many of these deaths there were, but we can be certain that many of them would still be alive if American doctors had been permitted to treat them with drugs and other therapies before they became so ill they could not be saved.  Fauci and the CDC, with Trump’s approval, deemed these deaths an acceptable price to pay for their campaign to scare Americans, circumvent established practices for the FDA approval of vaccines, and force all of us to get the shots.




          Much of my skepticism about COVID pronouncements from the government and (usually unnamed) “experts” probably comes from my earliest glimpses of authority in school.


          I am referring specifically to the Fire Marshal.  And here’s my question: did you ever actually SEE a Fire Marshal?  Yet this person seemed to be the source of virtually all arbitrary and pointless rules.


          Q: Why do we have to walk halfway around the building to get in the cafeteria?  Why can’t we use the cafeteria doors?

          A: The Fire Marshal says those doors must remain locked at all times.


          Q: Why can’t I sit in that section of the auditorium?

          A: The Fire Marshal has decided it is unsafe for you to sit there.


          Q: Why can’t I smoke my Marlboros in the Boy’s Room?

          A: The Fire Marshal says only crack may be smoked in the Boy’s Room.  Tobacco-smoking is only permitted in the Teacher’s Lounge or at least ten feet outside of school property.


          Q: I want to write the Fire Marshal a letter about all his stupid rules.  What’s his address?

          A: The Fire Marshal doesn’t read letters from little boys.  He’s much too busy saving people.

