Thursday, December 31, 2020



Boris Johnson, largely because of his mishandling of SARS-CoV-2, will be forced to call for early elections.  (The next required parliamentary elections would be in 2024.)


The Philadelphia Flyers will make it to the Stanley Cup finals, and lose.


A U.S. Senator will be assassinated.


Jeffrey Epstein will be found alive.


Republicans will win both Georgia Senate elections.


As I write this, on December 31, bitcoin is trading at $28,800.  It will end 2021 at less than $20,000.


Kamala Harris will NOT become President in 2021.


Lives will be lost in a confrontation between U.S. and Iranian ships in the Persian Gulf.


Jalen Hurts will start the first game of the 2021-2 season as quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles.


Ken Jennings will not be named the new permanent Jeopardy host.



Sunday, December 27, 2020

CORONA---What We Can Look Forward To

           On the question of whether our darkest COVID days are in the past or the future, I am reluctantly coming to the conclusion the worst is still ahead.


          We are already being told that we will have to wear masks even after getting the vaccine, and that getting a negative corona test is no guarantee we cannot infect others.  It may seem strange that we will be told there is no real immunity even after everybody gets vaccinated, but keep in mind we have known since the beginning that about 85% of the population is immune to the virus, but any evidence of immunity has been vigorously denied (and censored), by the public health authorities.


          The people who have pushed the lockdowns, school shutdowns, economic destruction, masking, and other dehumanizing rituals have been so successful politically that they are not likely to abandon their tactics now.  We will forever be told of the danger that the virus will mutate into something from which we have no protection, or that our antibodies will fade, or that asymptomatic carriers will still wander among us, spreading death.  The EEOC issued a ruling a couple days ago that employers may legally insist that workers get vaccinated or lose their jobs.  Discussions about virus passports (to allow air travel), are regularly discussed in the newspapers and on the internet.  There is no reason to think this will end.  In Europe and the northern parts of North America, the pandemic ended six months ago, but the restrictions just keep getting worse.  Also, PCR tests will continue to find positive corona cases long after SARS-CoV-2 has been eradicated from the planet.


          One continues to hope that the hygiene fascists will go too far, but they have already gone way too far and nobody has figured out a way to stop them.  Central to the success of the campaign has been the blanket of censorship and disinformation imposed by broadcasters and print journalists and social media companies.  A person like Fauci, for example, though he is on TV 24/7, is NEVER asked a challenging question and will NEVER appear in public with anyone who disagrees with him.


          Though there is political pushback, and though there are protests, little news of these events seep through the curtain.  When they do, no matter how calm and rational the complaints may be, the people responsible are lumped together with the half-dozen right-wingers who live in an Idaho farmhouse and believe COVID is a communist plot.



Sunday, December 20, 2020

CORONA---The Cult Grows


          In George Orwell’s “1984,” there is an incident where Winston Smith is attending a speech by a member of the Inner Party.  It is Hate Week, and the speaker is haranguing the assembled thousands with tales of the atrocities committed by the 2000 Eurasian war criminals about to be executed.   Oceania was at war with Eurasia.  It had always been at war with Eurasia.  Eastasia, on the other hand, was an ally.


          “The speech had been proceeding for perhaps twenty minutes when a messenger hurried onto the platform and a scrap of paper was slipped into the speaker’s hand.  He unrolled and read it without pausing in his speech.  Nothing altered in his voice or manner, or in the content of what he was saying, but suddenly the names were different….  Oceania was at war with Eastasia!

          The thing that impressed Winston in looking back was that the speaker had switched from one line to the other actually in mid-sentence, not only without a pause, but without even breaking the syntax.”


          I was reminded of these passages when our public health bureaucracy changed its tune on the wearing of masks.  The WHO, the CDC, Anthony Fauci and Surgeon General Jerome Adams all advised us against wearing masks.  Remember?  Adams even cited some research that had been done on the subject.  It was not effective, they told us, and could even increase the risk of viral infections.  Then on April 3, 2020, Fauci, Adams and the CDC all decided not only that wearing masks was a good idea, but that we should all be forced to wear them.  The WHO finally joined the party in June, after mask mandates in the US and Europe had been in place for many weeks.


          Various explanations were offered for the news that masks were now recommended, even necessary (e.g., there was a shortage of masks for health care workers, or we hadn’t known about asymptomatic transmission), but none of these excuses had anything to do with the actual effectiveness of masks, which was, and is, pretty much a zero.  Regardless of that, masks are now essential.  They have always been essential.  We have always been at war with Eurasia.


          When all the authorities changed their minds, what did you do?


          When I saw the public health world changing their song about masks, I didn’t know what to think.  Was I to believe the first official story, that masks were useless, or the second official story, that everybody should be required to wear them?  I didn’t know, so I went online and read every peer-reviewed piece about masks in the medical journals that had been published in the last twenty-five years.  They confirmed everything Fauci and Adams and the CDC and the WHO had said in March---masks have their purposes, but as a barrier to respiratory viruses?  Forgetaboutit.  And yes, mask-wearing can even make you more susceptible to respiratory infections.


          And then I read all the articles about masks (and there were a lot of them), that started coming out in April and May.  These were not peer-reviewed, and they were usually published by an “Association” for something or other that you never heard of, and they pretty clearly had an ax to grind, and some of them were merely unconvincing and some of them were outright silly.


          And such is the nature of the “science” of masks.  I urge you to read the stuff—it won’t take long, and you will be surprised, as I was, by how accessible it is.  There are very few pay-walls.  If you do read it, you will learn there is no point in wearing a cloth or paper mask in public, and there is no other reasonable conclusion that can be drawn.


          Now, I realize that not everyone is likely to undertake this exercise.  I am aware I am something of a crank.  Still, if you have been simply hiding in your house for the last nine months, why didn’t you spend a little of that time educating yourself?  What really is the point of listening, over and over again, to what Anderson Cooper and Dr. Fauci and Snoop Dog and Whoopie Goldberg and Dr. Oz and Rachel Maddow want you to think?  I mean, it has been nine frickin’ months!  Read something.  It’s not like you have to go to the “Dark Web” or some den of libertarians or a barn in Idaho.  Start with the CDC.  Follow links.  The truth is out there.  You will feel liberated when you possess it.


          And there are other topics, of course---lockdowns, the scandal of PCR tests, vaccine strategies, etc.  There are dozens of interviews and podcasts of working epidemiologists and immunologists and other working scientists (as opposed to the people who merely play scientists on TV).  Personally, I find it comforting to learn what we actually know, what we don’t know, and what the important issues are.  There is a “party line” that you hear all the time from bureaucrats and authoritarians and progressive politicians and their bespoke journalists, and it has almost no relation to the truth.  I am annoyed by the lies, of course, and it is genuinely frightening what COVID is being used for politically, but I feel safer knowing what is real.      


          The primary fruit of my research, however, is that I know I can no longer believe anything from the bastards who lied to me.  Fauci?  Sorry.  Jerome Adams?  Nope.  The CDC has very useful data, which is apparently collected by grunts with no agenda.  Just don’t believe their recommendations, which are made by the political people.  The WHO?  Well, there doesn’t seem to be anybody there except political people.  I also know to ignore the journalists and broadcasters who incessantly tell me to respect “the science,” meaning the party line of mask-wearing and lockdowns and school closings and economic destruction.  They seem to know, literally, nothing.  They merely repeat what they are told to say.


          And finally, there are those who would scold me for my beliefs, or for not wearing a mask unless I am required by law to do so.  These are people I know---friends, neighbors, relatives.  I don’t confront them, and I don’t often see them because they have locked themselves in their houses.  But I confess that when they do challenge me, I am somewhat less polite than I used to be.  I don’t understand why they seem so comfortable locking themselves away, believing everything they are told, and taking so little responsibility for their lives, their behavior, and their society.     


          As the hygiene fascism increases even as the pandemic fades into the past, watch out for yourselves.  That is my message here.  In this dangerous environment, where everyone seems to have an agenda, believe only what you can verify for yourself.  Then make your own decisions about what is best for you and yours.  It’s the only safe path until the madness ends.



Wednesday, December 16, 2020

CORONA---Another Philly Update


"Across Pennsylvania, the percent of coronavirus tests that came back positive climbed above 16% last week...."


          ---Philadelphia Daily News, 12-14-20


          I have discussed the rising “positivity rate” here and how it, along with current protocols for reporting COVID deaths, has created a situation where large numbers of such deaths will be reported indefinitely, regardless of how many people actually die of COVID.  In November, the positivity rate was around 6%, which meant that about 65 Philadelphians would be reported as having died of COVID that month.  And they were.  Now, with the rate at 16%, at least 200 of Philly’s 1400 December deaths will be reported as being caused by the virus, though we will have no idea how many actually were.


          The report in the Inquirer and the Daily News was presented as fact, uncritically, completely without context, and without a hint that this extraordinary 16% number might occasion some doubt among people who gave it two seconds thought.


          A lot of people are getting tests these days.  Back in April, when testing sites were hard to find, the only people who got tested were those who were sick or thought they were or thought they had been exposed in some dangerous way.  Now, however, people get tests so they can travel, or so they can visit grandma at Christmas, or to present to an employer after a quarantine.  There are a lot of reasons, and most tests are taken by people who think they're NOT sick and want to be able to prove it.  Those who get tests today are much more of a cross-section of society, rather than a bunch of worried sick people.  People who get tested today may not be a completely random sample of Pennsylvanians in general, but it’s probably close.


          So the Philly papers, dutifully regurgitating what they are told by our public health bureaucrats. are telling us that in this random sample of Pennsylvanians, 16% of the population is infected.  Right now.  Today.  One out of every six people I see walking through Target or riding on a bus or strolling down Spruce Street has an active COVID infection.  I guess it’s that asymptomatic spread again, eh?  What else could explain why 1/6 of the population here is afflicted with a deadly virus but you never really notice it because the vast majority of them remain in perfect health?


          When presented by the public health bureaucrats with a number as absurd as the 16% positivity rate, journalists feel no obligation to question it.  The least likely explanation for the 16% positive rate is that 16% of Pennsylvanians have COVID, right?  So why not at least mention the growing scandal of false positives generated by Dr. Drosten's PCR tests?  Or the increasing likelihood, based on the recent massive study out of Wuhan, that so-called "asymptomatic spread" is just a crock?


          Ah, well….  Just get in line for your shot.  And we’ll let you take that mask off in a couple years.



Friday, December 4, 2020


           There are plenty of reasons to think the election was stolen and that Biden will forever be an illegitimate president.  For me, the most telling piece of evidence is the red wave that swept the nation, with large numbers of Republicans getting elected to the House of Representatives and to state legislatures and other local offices across the land.  That Trump alone would fail to get a lift from this wave makes little sense.  Elections with our two-party system just never work that way.  Sometimes an elected President will have very short coattails, and his popularity will have little influence over the results of down-ballot races.  But this result, where Democrats are rejected by voters pretty much everywhere but take the presidency with a record number of votes---well, it doesn’t happen.  And it didn’t happen.  Something else happened.  Ballot boxes were stuffed with phony ballots for Joe Biden.


          More evidence appears when we examine the history of presidential elections.  When an incumbent President is running for re-election, the contest is primarily a referendum on his performance over his first four years, and the electorate’s feelings about the challenger are secondary.  If the president gets fewer votes than he did the first time, he loses.  If he gets more votes, he is re-elected.


          The one exception to the first part of this rule occurred in 2012, when Barack Obama got fewer votes than he did in 2008, but was elected again anyway  Every other time in American history the president got fewer votes in his second try, he lost.  And the reason for this anomalous result in 2012 seems clear.  Mitt Romney was such a dreadful candidate that he mattered.  Though the public was ready to replace Obama, Romney was NOT the guy they would replace him with.


          The second part of the rule is that when a president gets more votes in his second election than he did in his first, he is re-elected.  Here is a list of all the American Presidents who got more votes than they did the first time.  (I have left off the first few contests, where there was no popular vote.)


Andrew Jackson               647,286           687,502


Abe Lincoln                     1,866,452      2,213,665        


U.S. Grant                         3,012,833       3,597,132      


Grover Cleveland              4,874,986       5,540,309       

LOST ELECTORAL                                                                                                       COLLEGE

Wm. McKinley                  7,104,779       7,207,923       


Woodrow Wilson               6,293,454       9,129,606       


Franklin Roosevelt            22,821,857    27,476,673       


D. Eisenhower                   33,778,963    35,581,003       


Richard Nixon                   31,710,470    46,740,323       


Ronald Reagan                  43,642,639    54,455,075       


G.W. Bush                         50,456,002    62,028,285       


Donald Trump                   62,979,636    74,208,375        



          Toward the end of the campaign, as you may recall, Biden was playing to crowds of a couple hundred people once in a while, while Trump had rallies with tens of thousands attending (sometimes two or three rallies a day).  And yet Joe is now credited with 81.2 million popular votes, eclipsing Obama’s 2008 popular vote record by 12 million.


          No.  I don’t believe Joe did something no other challenger in American history ever came close to.  And no, I don't believe the numbers.



Tuesday, December 1, 2020



          Letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer, published 11-26-20

          “During the past eight months of the pandemic, I’ve kept every empty toilet paper tube displayed conspicuously in a large bowl on the dining room credenza.  Each humble cardboard tube serves as a remembrance of our provisions and our gratefulness for them.  Yes, we joined the multitudes searching for that one roll of toilet paper hidden in the back of the shelf.  Yet in all this time, I’ve never lacked one square of this valuable asset.  While the bowl won’t be used as a Thanksgiving centerpiece this year, it is a daily reminder of our many blessings during this time of COVID.  Maybe this activity is one of those odd behaviors brought on by stress and uncertainty, but it has carried me through these strange days with just a touch of humor while reminding me of our vulnerable humanity.”

          ---Leslie Wise, Erdenheim




          November has now ended, with record numbers of new COVID cases.


          In my big-box store, the busiest in Philly, there were 9 positive tests this month among the 200-ish employees.


          And not even a sniffle among them.




          “I don’t think we should shake hands ever again.”

          ---Anthony Fauci




          The bureaucratic mind at work:


          On November 17, Pennsylvania Health Commissioner Rachel Levine issued new far-reaching mask rules that basically require everyone to wear a mask whenever they are with someone who doesn’t live with them.  The Order applies indoors, outdoors, and even in your own home.


          When asked about professional athletes, the state added a clarification to its FAQ site making clear that yes, professional football players must wear masks during a game:


          “Outdoors: Coaches, athletes (including cheerleaders), and spectators must wear face coverings if they cannot maintain sustained physical distance from persons outside of their household. This includes while actively engaged in workouts, competition, and on the sidelines, in the dugout, etc. If sustained six-foot distancing can be maintained, face coverings may be removed when outdoors.”


          A certain amount of howling ensued.  Shortly thereafter, a further question and answer on the issue appeared on the FAQ site:


          “Can an athlete remove their mask during play if the mask causes a medical condition, including respiratory issues that impede breathing?


          “Yes, the Order provides an exception in section 3 that provides that if wearing a face covering would either cause a medical condition, or exacerbate an existing one, including respiratory issues that impede breathing, a mental health condition or a disability. The order indicates all alternatives to wearing a face covering, including the use of a face shield, should be exhausted before an individual is excepted from this Order.


          “Using football as an example, wearing a mask in addition to a mouth guard and a helmet would likely create a medical issue for the athlete whether the athlete is a professional or youth player even if a previous medical issue was not present. For example, the CDC says that “wearing a mask with these types of protective equipment is not safe if it makes it hard to breathe.” There are other sports where there are similar concerns that a mask would create a medical issue where one would otherwise not exist in an athlete. For example, it should also be obvious that wearing a mask while swimming presents an imminent health issue.


           “According to Section 3, the athlete would be asked to work through alternatives that would reduce or eliminate the respiratory droplets that would impact others in proximity. If the sport, equipment, or exertion level does not allow for face covering to be worn safely then the athlete should not wear a face covering.


          “There are no exemptions for specific sports, leagues, teams, or levels. We know that some people don’t like masks. We are asking everyone to please give this their best effort so we can continue these activities and others as we all unite to fight COVID-19.”




          “Medical experts say….”

           When you see this phrase in a news article, or when you hear the words on a TV broadcast, put down your newspaper or flip the channel to “Dancing With The Stars.”  What you are about to read or what you are about to be told is pure codswallop.




          “Freedom faces a new enemy.  The tyranny comes under the disguise of expert and benevolent dictatorship.  The new rulers do not justify their right to dominance because of divine providence but now claim the right to rule the people in the name of universal health and safety based on presumed scientific evidence.”

          ---Anthony P. Mueller

